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Why does water help you lose weight?
Thu. Nov 10, 6:50pm
Water helps you to feel fuller (if you drink enough of it, that is). Many people diagnose thirst for hunger, therefore, end up eating more than they need to. Drinking a glass of water before you eat, will help you to feel fuller so you won't eat as much. Make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day (at least 2 litres - also known as 8 glasses). I tend to mix crystal lite in my water becuase I find plain water way too bland.
Thursday, November 10, 2005, 9:23 PM
k - as an engineer I have to know 'why' and since I have always hated drinking water, I needed to know why I needed to drink it and I needed to know in great detail.
There's more to it than just feeling full. Your entire body - in fact the entire physical world could be looked at as a series of chemical reactions. Digestion, menstruation, metabolizing, weight loss, weight gain, even vision is all accomplished through series of chemical reactions. Almost every aspect of your life is ruled by these reactions and you are only peripherally aware of them occuring. It's a miracle we all work as well as we do!
Virtually every cell in your body needs water to stay hydrated and healthy. Vitamins, sugars, amino acids, many minerals are all dissolved in to water and delivered to your cells via hydration. Your metabolic processes require water. The less of it you have - the more inefficient those processes are. You store little excess - your body will pull water from wherever it has to in order to fuel the reactions that you need to live. Recall that you can go for weeks without food, but only days without water.
For those that are familiar with chemistry - water is the limiting reagent in the fat burning process. Water is essential. You won't lose weight as efficiently without it, your muscles will fatigue more easily, your skin and hair won't be as shiny, etc.... Weight loss is just one part of the overall picture, but since it's that part you're focusing on - you should notice that proper hydration can aid the process, and not just for the feeling of 'fullness'.
Below is an excellent link, but possibly way more information than anyone wants ;-)
Thursday, November 17, 2005, 9:31 PM
does tea count as water?
I don't drink tons of plain water, but I do drink tea often. Both black tea and herbal tea. Does drinking tea give me the water I need? I read somewhere once that caffeine cancelled out any liquid that was taken in with it because it is a diuretic, so maybe only my herbal tea hydrates me?
Thursday, November 17, 2005, 9:51 PM
I read in a recent article that coffee and tea counts when it comes to liquid intake. But personally I would go with more water than beverages. I drink a lot of water about 8-10 glasses a day. I suppose it is easy for me as I live in the tropics and it gets hot and humid here and water is the only liquid we crave for.
Friday, November 18, 2005, 5:12 AM
herbal tea definitely counts.
A good way to tell if you're hydrated is by the color of your pee - it should be very pale yellow. If it's at all dark yellow or orangish - get yourself to a faucet and drink some water!
Friday, November 18, 2005, 7:31 AM
Anything with caffeine in it doesn't count as liquid intake, ever notice how you tend to feel thirsty after drinking coffee or tea or even soda?
Friday, November 18, 2005, 8:27 AM
I just read an article on that. Any fluid counts, it's just how much it counts. It said that if you drink 8 oz of water, you get 8 oz but if you drink 8 oz w/ caffeine, you get maybe 4 or 5 oz, more or less depending on variables like sugar contents, etc. Just hyrdate yourself - drink until you're not thirsty and drink all day and you'll be fine!
Friday, November 18, 2005, 8:33 AM
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