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Food at the Office

Someone in my group recently posted something about all the holiday food in their office. My office is totally like that; the office manager seems to want us all fat and happy. I've tried very hard to control my urges in the office. But this is one of those situations where there can sometimes be a lot of internal and external pressure to join in and be a part of the group.

Here are a couple of my strategies for not letting office food take control...which I thought I'd share with the larger group too.

1) eat lunch (make good choices and don't have a soda) if it is provided
2) not eat cookies, cake, candy if I can help it or if the item isn't "good enough" (e.g. I passed up M&M cookies last week, cause I knew I wanted one of my fancy chocolate mints for dessert later.)
3) never eat anyone's leftovers (e.g. somone brings in their 2yr old's leftover birthday cake and who knows how long it has been sitting around before they brought it into the office).
4) if I really want something, or just want to participate in the social event, eat tiny portions. (e.g. we had a sundae party at work, and I made a mico sundae...less than half a cup total).
5) encourage my office manager to buy healthy treats, like fruit plates, instead of cakes.
6) always have some raisins or dried apricots at my desk in case I feel like snacking.

Good luck.

Thu. Nov 10, 8:41am

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Great tips!

I too have noticed that people do force you to be a part of the group and take offence when you dont eat what is offered..
Why cant people be more realistic and less eager to please???

Friday, November 11, 2005, 3:53 AM

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