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overweight kids

I was just at a Jr. High event for my daughter and was so sad to see how many of the kids were overweight. I'm trying so hard to be a good example for my kids by eating and preparing healthy meals, only buying healthy snacks for them, living an active life, etc. I wish more parents would do this. Is there anything that can be done in the schools to promote healthier kids? Any programs that could be started? Should I try to talk to the principals of the schools my kids attend? The school board? I really feel like there is something I could or should do ... Any suggestions?

Fri. Apr 13, 5:20pm

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not sure what can be done. I seen on some show where the schools claim to be feeding the kids well balanced meals, yet, in reality all they are doing is feeding them the cheapest meals avaliable. My son is overweight he gained 30 pounds the first year he started school and climbs each year. I don't blame just the school, however I do feel the school has alot to do with it.

Friday, April 13, 2007, 5:28 PM

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not sure what can be done. I seen on some show where the schools claim to be feeding the kids well balanced meals, yet, in reality all they are doing is feeding them the cheapest meals avaliable. My son is overweight he gained 30 pounds the first year he started school and climbs each year. I don't blame just the school, however I do feel the school has alot to do with it.

Friday, April 13, 2007, 5:28 PM

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not sure what can be done. I seen on some show where the schools claim to be feeding the kids well balanced meals, yet, in reality all they are doing is feeding them the cheapest meals avaliable. My son is overweight he gained 30 pounds the first year he started school and climbs each year. I don't blame just the school, however I do feel the school has alot to do with it.

Friday, April 13, 2007, 5:28 PM

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My old highschool (I graduated 12 years ago) has removed the soda machine and supposedly only filled the vending machine with healthy snacks. It wouldn't hurt to talk to the principal and see if there is a class they can teach on nutrition or remove the unhealthy snacks. I have always been paranoid on my kids becoming overweight since it's always been an issue with me. I just want my kids to be healthy. I'm not too strict. I allow them to have something like a cupcake or piece of candy after a healthy, well balanced meal.

Friday, April 13, 2007, 6:04 PM

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My old highschool (I graduated 12 years ago) has removed the soda machine and supposedly only filled the vending machine with healthy snacks. It wouldn't hurt to talk to the principal and see if there is a class they can teach on nutrition or remove the unhealthy snacks. I have always been paranoid on my kids becoming overweight since it's always been an issue with me. I just want my kids to be healthy. I'm not too strict. I allow them to have something like a cupcake or piece of candy after a healthy, well balanced meal.

Friday, April 13, 2007, 6:04 PM

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My old highschool (I graduated 12 years ago) has removed the soda machine and supposedly only filled the vending machine with healthy snacks. It wouldn't hurt to talk to the principal and see if there is a class they can teach on nutrition or remove the unhealthy snacks. I have always been paranoid on my kids becoming overweight since it's always been an issue with me. I just want my kids to be healthy. I'm not too strict. I allow them to have something like a cupcake or piece of candy after a healthy, well balanced meal.

Friday, April 13, 2007, 6:04 PM

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Unfortunately its not as easy as just talking to the school board or principal. They claim they are feeding them well balanced healthy meals when in fact its usually stuff loaded with salt, fat and non nutrient foods. If you've seen that supersize me movie there was an very interesting part in it where they took one school and replaced meals with fresh meals and had choices like steamed veggies, fruit, whole grains. They found that it was no more expensive then what most schools pay per meal and the kids actually did better in school. One thing they do need to do is get rid of the soda's and fruit juices, stock the vending machines with real fruit, nuts, whole grain crackers. There is way to much processed foods. I went to a child play museum and it said on the website that they had healthy snacks, when I got there what they had was stuff like fruit filled granola bars, the kind where the 1st ingredient is corn syrup, chips, pretzels, trail mix. When I think healthy snacks I think yogurt, fruit, veggies sticks, bean dips or hummus, real cheese and whole grains not all this processed crap they serve. But its not just the schools, its everywhere.

Friday, April 13, 2007, 8:57 PM

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Unfortunately its not as easy as just talking to the school board or principal. They claim they are feeding them well balanced healthy meals when in fact its usually stuff loaded with salt, fat and non nutrient foods. If you've seen that supersize me movie there was an very interesting part in it where they took one school and replaced meals with fresh meals and had choices like steamed veggies, fruit, whole grains. They found that it was no more expensive then what most schools pay per meal and the kids actually did better in school. One thing they do need to do is get rid of the soda's and fruit juices, stock the vending machines with real fruit, nuts, whole grain crackers. There is way to much processed foods. I went to a child play museum and it said on the website that they had healthy snacks, when I got there what they had was stuff like fruit filled granola bars, the kind where the 1st ingredient is corn syrup, chips, pretzels, trail mix. When I think healthy snacks I think yogurt, fruit, veggies sticks, bean dips or hummus, real cheese and whole grains not all this processed crap they serve. But its not just the schools, its everywhere.

Friday, April 13, 2007, 8:57 PM

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Unfortunately its not as easy as just talking to the school board or principal. They claim they are feeding them well balanced healthy meals when in fact its usually stuff loaded with salt, fat and non nutrient foods. If you've seen that supersize me movie there was an very interesting part in it where they took one school and replaced meals with fresh meals and had choices like steamed veggies, fruit, whole grains. They found that it was no more expensive then what most schools pay per meal and the kids actually did better in school. One thing they do need to do is get rid of the soda's and fruit juices, stock the vending machines with real fruit, nuts, whole grain crackers. There is way to much processed foods. I went to a child play museum and it said on the website that they had healthy snacks, when I got there what they had was stuff like fruit filled granola bars, the kind where the 1st ingredient is corn syrup, chips, pretzels, trail mix. When I think healthy snacks I think yogurt, fruit, veggies sticks, bean dips or hummus, real cheese and whole grains not all this processed crap they serve. But its not just the schools, its everywhere.

Friday, April 13, 2007, 8:57 PM

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