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i cant weigh myself.... i need help and advice!!!

I have a problem...
i want to be able to weigh myself, but i have had a problem in the past with my weight and the "number" and i began to loose too much... i lost over 100 pounds at one point. i mean, i looked good, but i was obsessed with the number. i feel like the best thing to do would be not to weigh myself, but it seems to be the only tool that can keep me interested... like being able to say "i lost 2 pounds this week!" does anyone have a suggestion? know of any scales that dont show you the weight just show you the weight lost? haha, probably not, but this is a real problem for me, ill take any advice i can get!!
thanks alot!

Tue. Nov 8, 10:24am

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Unbelievably, I was looking online at scales yesterday and saw exactly what you are looking for. The link to the webpage is below. About half-way down the page, you will see Tanita's "Weightless Mode" which displays only weight lost, not the actual weight.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 11:00 AM

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wow weird... thanks alot!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 3:26 PM

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okay this might sound harsh but it seems like you can control yourself. But the thing is you really choose not to control the obsession you have. It is your decision to obsess and think of it as a problem. Just dont. I dont mean to be mean. Tis is how I delt with my obsession. Look inside of you and feel the feelings that you feel. The reason we obsess is to block the feelings inside of us. They are to painful. Wels ome anyway. Obsess on healthy things like .....things you like, write music, etc. hope im and not to harsh.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 4:25 PM

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no, i know. i was assuming someone would respond that way. i should just get a real scale and face the facts. i just know what happened before with that, but that dosent mean it has to happen again, right?

thanks for your advice.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 10:09 PM

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Hunny all the answers are inside of you, dont ask us if it will happen gain, tell yourself that it wont happen again. See you said you where hoping someone would answer you like that, that means you already know what your looking for. Go get them tiger!! nothing can control you unless you give it power to

Wednesday, November 9, 2005, 12:13 AM

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