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How many peertrainers are counting calories?

Just curious - is this an old fashion method with all the new "diets" out there or is it still in?

Tue. Nov 8, 12:16am

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I dont

I stick to a diet pattern as far as possible and so dont count calories. I think it leads to depression in me and also makes me obsessive.
Having said so, I adhere to the plan I have, but allow myself a few treats now and then. I still dont count the calories.. thats my dietician's job ;)

Many peertrainers do watch their calories and u can see it in their logs

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 12:25 AM

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I count calories because I've already tried low-fat, low-carb, and intense exercise. Calories gives me predictable weight loss. Nothing else does it for me. Your mileage may vary.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 5:21 AM

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I do not count calories. Ever. Calories are not one in the same. A 100 calorie apple is extremely different from a 100 calorie slice of cheese. It takes a thoughful, construct to understand how to balance out nutrients and foods to give you optimal weight loss. Body for life is a great program for this.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 7:12 AM

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I count calories, and it helps me be on track. I used, and they give you percentages of your carb/protien/fat intake so I try to eat a balanced diet as well.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 10:02 AM

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I count calories and use calorieking too. I think no matter how you're losing weight you need to try to balance everything, calories, carbs, protein, fats, etc. I just use calories as my base for tracking because it's to time consuming to track everything really closely. So I watch one thing, and try to maintain a balance on the other things.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 10:10 AM

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I counted for a while on & I liked the results. It gave me an idea what a 1200 calorie day looks & feels like and I keep that in mind when making food choices. Like the poster above said, not all calories are the same. 100 calories of almonds are going to keep you satisfied a lot longer that 100 calories of oreos.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 10:14 AM

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I count once in a while - like maybe once or twice a week - just to make sure I'm on track and not eating way more than I thought I was. I totally agree that all calories are not equal, especially in terms of staying full longer, but if you're eating 2500 calories a day when you thought you were only getting 1500, you're still going to gain more than a pound a week!

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 10:17 AM

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Oh - I'm the poster directly above. I use when I do count.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 10:18 AM

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It's great for keeping track of fiber. I thought going into it that I was meeting my nutritional needs pretty well. It turns out I was only getting about 14 g of fiber a day, 25g is the recommended minimum. Now that I have that on track I feel fuller longer and (at the risk of giving too much information..) I'm far more regular which makes me feel lighter and more energetic.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 10:20 AM

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