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Scale suggestions?

I'm frustrated with my scale. This morning I got on it after going to the toilet, and it said one number. But after a minute I realize I have to go to the toilet more and aftewards it says a number 1.5 lbs higher. I'm a bit annoyed, but continue on with my morning stuff and then step on the scale again and it says a number .5 lb more than the first time and 1 lb higher than the second time. On each of these occasions I stepped off the scale for a few seconds and then back on so it was internally consistent, but what's going on??? These were all taken in the course of 10 minutes and I didn't drink or eat anything in the meantime.

Last year when I had a gym membership they had a nice scale that seemed to give me measurements around 8 lbs less than my scale at home, and that was fully dressed with shoes on and everything.

I want a scale that is CONSISTENT and ACCURATE, because I'm pretty sure mine isn't either one of those. Also, not too expensive. Any ideas?

Mon. Nov 7, 11:31am

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Sorry, I don't have a suggestion for you, but I wanted to comisserate. I don't understand why scales can't work. Measuring weight is the ONLY thing they are designed to do! That's it! And it's the one thing they can never really do right. I don't get it.

Monday, November 7, 2005, 11:54 AM

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I have the same problem with an inconsistent and inaccurate scale.
I just went to Google, clicked on groups, and did a search on bathroom scales. It seems that lots of dieters like the Tanita brand and it does not seem to matter which model. Anyone out there have a Tanita or other accurate scale and want to comment?

Monday, November 7, 2005, 1:13 PM

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Mine goes up and down too! I am trying to find a new one.. someone help

Thursday, November 10, 2005, 1:43 AM

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i actually bought a cheap walmart digital scale...maybe $15 and it's always accurate...i've tested the get on/get off and it never for me!

Thursday, November 10, 2005, 6:06 AM

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Would you mind looking at your Walmart scale and telling us what brand it is? Walmarts in different cities don't always carry the same products. Thank you.

Thursday, November 10, 2005, 7:33 AM

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