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Weight Routine to loose weight and add muscle

Hi there.....
Joined a gym and quit smoking about 27 days ago. I am not new to weights I am 5'11 and 225. I have two questions:

Muscle Groupings:

Can anyone here advise if I have this right?
Monday: Chest and Shoulders
Tuesday: Legs+ quick cardio workout
Thursday: Back & Abs
Friday: Arms (triceps and biceps)

Second Question: I want to drop about 30 pounds of fat. I do want to add muscle, bulk up a bit (within reason) but also want to loose weight. Should my reps be 8, 12 or 15?

I know there is a big debate on cardio vs weights to burn fat. I personally believe a combination is good...but it is weight training that will really do the trick.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Tue. Mar 27, 10:38am

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weights vs cardio: you need to do both.

To get in the shape you want, you will need to do both cardio and weight training. Cardio burns calories and weights build muscle which burn fat.
Here's a couple of great links to get you going and to get you correct information. If there is a certified personal trainer at your gym, then invest in a couple of sessions and have them help you set up a routine. This would also be important to make sure you are doing each exercise properly so that you don't overdue and hurt yourself. Improper form will do nothing towards your goals, unless your goal is to be laid up with ice packs!! (That was supposed to be funny, but my apologies if it was not!)
I've worked out with a trainer for 4 years and I'm still surprised on some days when my mind is not in the game how many times she has to correct my posture, form etc.
The general goal is to work different body parts on different days and you seem to have that already. Abs are the body part that can be done everyday and should be. Make sure to check with your dr. first My trainer made me get my physicians okay before she would start with me. I knew right then and there that she had my best interests in mind.
Good Luck!!

Links: (great form photos/directions)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 11:43 AM

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