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I have stayed right between 1100 and 1300 cal a day along with exercising 5 times a week 2 mile walk. I am not able to lose any weight. I do not eat to many fruits or vegs and only drink between 48-56 oz of water a day. Do you think lack of veg and fruit and low water intake could be the reason of no loss?
Mon. Mar 26, 6:21pm
Could be. Try mixing it up. Eat more, vary your work out. Also take a good look at your it too much? Unrealistic?
Monday, March 26, 2007, 6:26 PM
why don't you try 1100 hundred cal one day and 1300 the next small meals more protien good luck. DON"T GIVE UP!
Monday, March 26, 2007, 8:28 PM
Yes... I was working out 3 days a week at max my heart rate for over 70 min. For well over a month, I wasn't drinking enough water and wasn't losing weight, I was actually gaining 2 losing 3 and this fluctuated daily. I stopped my routine until I had a proper diet plan in place. I started with water intake 2 cups with breakfast , 2cups before lunch, 2cups with lunch, 2cups with dinner, 2cups at bedtime, I lost 5lbs in one day and continued to lose weight. Also if you occasional drink alcohol its not going to work. One of my team members has a few drinks occasionally and its not going to work if we don't commit totally.
Monday, March 26, 2007, 9:25 PM
I drink on occasion in fact just about every weekend and am still losing weight and can see a difference in how tone my body has become. Dont get me wrong I know that if I didnt drink I would see better results but I dont want anyone who does have a beer or cocktail to feel as though this is a lost cause. Something is better than nothing even if It isnt religious exercise and diet
Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 2:15 AM
Add cardio and some light weight workouts. Made a world of difference to me.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 6:13 AM
I love veggies, but sometimes forget to include them in my day. So I make a huge pot of veggie soup (using a can of chicken soup and several cans of chicken broth for extra flavor) and eat some of that every day. I notice that weight comes off MUCH more easily when I'm eating lots of veggies.
Also, your caloric intake may be too low for how much exercise you're getting. If your body thinks you're starving, it's going to hold TIGHT to all the weight you want to lose. Try increasing your calories by 100-200, and make sure it's from something healthy (i.e., not 200 calories worth of ice cream).
Good luck!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 8:02 AM
You're not eating enough
You are NOT eating enough food. Your body is conserving the little bit of food you're eating along with the fat that your body has. By eating more, you'll increase your metabolism, give yourself more fuel for your workouts, and finally lose weight.
Add nuts, yogurt, and more fruits and veggies to your diet to bring your calories up to at least 1,500.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 9:57 AM
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