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abnormal pap and preg.what do i do?

ok i went to my first obgyn a couple weeks ago to get a pap, check on my soon to be baby and all that good stuff. well come a week later my doctor calls telling me i have an abnormal pap and that i need to come in as soon as possiable. now i go to the doctor next week but i'm scared outo f my mind that its going to be something that can harm me or my baby. what should i do and how do i keep from stressing. and does anyone happen to have any idea as to what it may be? thanks

Mon. Mar 26, 1:17pm

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There's another thread about this topic, btw.

In as much as you can control your thinking on this, really try not to freak out about it. I've had an abnormal pap and it was a yeast infection. A friend of mine had it and it was HPV (very common std that shouldn't affect your baby). Don't spend too much time on Webmd. I find that whenever I use the internet to self-diagnose I always end up with cancer or AIDS. lol.

Monday, March 26, 2007, 2:01 PM

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yeah-please don't worry too much! your body doesn't need that stress right now! it's probably nothing, or something really simple to take care of. sometimes, a technician that reads the pap slides just got an unclear slide (meaning they had trouble reading it-either from where you are in your cycle or due to a poor sample) so to be safe you get told it's an abnormal pap so they can check you again for a clearer result. there are a million reasons for an abnormal pap and most of them are something really benign!

think positive thoughts and keep us posted!

Monday, March 26, 2007, 2:26 PM

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