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Dieting, Physical Activity and Chemotherapy

A day before my 21st birthday I was diagnosed with colon cancer. I had a colectomy done (removing the cancer tissue and sewing the healthy parts of the colon back together) which was successful up until just about a week ago. Now 22, I have been diagnosed with colon cancer yet again. This time, my doctors treatment plan involves a schedule of chemotheraphy and radiation.

My question for the community is this: Has anyone ever gone through chemotherapy while trying to continue with their weight loss by the way of healthy eating and physical activity? I have heard horror stories of weight gain while going through chemo, and while being cured is my number one priority, I really don't want to gain the 75lbs back that I have spent the last two years losing. So any relevent experiences, suggestions or links are welcome!

Thanks in advance!

Sun. Mar 25, 5:56pm

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I have no experience with this but I wish you the best of luck. All I do know is that exercise picks me up on those bad days. So even getting out of the office/house for a walk is helpful. I would say ask your doctor for the best advice. Good luck!

Monday, March 26, 2007, 3:47 PM

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Wow, first I have to say how sorry I am to hear of your troubles. Colon cancer at 20 is pretty much unheard of. You should talk your your doctors about this definitely. I do know 3 different people who have gone through chemo and none of them had weight gain, in fact it was totally opposite, they ended up losing a good deal of weight. Good luck to you

Monday, March 26, 2007, 5:43 PM

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I'm an oncology nurse though I work with pediatrics and therefore not familiar with colon cancer. Depending on your protocol you may gain or lose weight during chemo. Talk to a nutritionist, many oncology practices have one on staff. As you already know, surrounding yourself with a positive support group is crucial. You have one here.

Monday, March 26, 2007, 6:06 PM

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