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I have thought about doing that however it is so expensive. Has anyone used it...does it there a more affordable option?

Sat. Nov 5, 11:34am

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My grandmother did this one in the mid-80s, with some success. I remember all the food had spacey/cosmic names, which made us young ones (I was maybe 14?) want to try them out. Anyway, it's really just about convenience and portion control. You would obtain the same results buying any prepackaged foods like Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones. The moment she quit Nutrisystem, the weight came back on because she wasn't controlling her portions...or her alcohol intake, but that's a whole other issue.

I live in Manhattan, so $300 a month for 4 weeks worth of meals doesn't seem so bad. I mean, frozen dinners are NEVER on sale here ($3-5 each), whereas in the 'burbs you get amazing sales like 3 Smart Ones for $5.

I would recommend picking up a good cereal and a Smart Ones 2-pack breakfast item (for variation), 14 frozen meals, and a few snack bar things ($40-70 depending on where you live). Try that for a week and see if you like it. If you do, then check out what NutriSystem offers that's so different and decide if that's worth the extra $$.

Saturday, November 5, 2005, 11:57 AM

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Thank you

Saturday, November 5, 2005, 4:04 PM

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NutriSystem is very expensive and I know a few people who tried it and were only soso about it. I checked out JC but decided it also was too expensive. I know several people who had great success w/ WW so I checked them out. Not expensive at all! I joined almost 5 weeks ago and have lost 12 pounds. You don't have to buy any food, about the only thing you might need to buy is a scale to weigh your food with. I think its a great program, I guess thats why they have been around the longest and have the greatest success rate. My 10 weeks that I bought were well worth the $108. Wish I had done it sooner.

Sunday, November 6, 2005, 9:35 AM

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Feel Hopeless

I have tried weight downfall is that I know you get so many points and I stay within them but once I know that I Have enough points to say eat a some chocolate cake...I dont have the control. I went to the store today and bought a bunch of lean cuisines and skinny cow desserts. (on sale 5 for $10 on the lean cuisines). I also started to take Lean Balance, it has calcium in it so not only is it supposed to help you lose weight it gives you the calcium you need.

Sunday, November 6, 2005, 2:58 PM

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