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Fri. Mar 23, 5:35pm

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I thought it was a really funny commentary and agreed with the most of it, especially the part about "live your life and don't let being fat be an excuse." But I disagree with her statement that success with weight loss is nearly impossible. There's plenty of success stories on PT that prove her wrong.

Friday, March 23, 2007, 6:44 PM

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That was cute.
I'm not quite sure I agree with her or not. She made a few excuses herself. She talked about eating right and exercising - and still being fat. But then she scoffs at "dieting" because the success rate is so low. But whatever. She did make some good points.
She also proved my point - which I've been telling myself and others lately - personality goes a LONG way!! : )

Friday, March 23, 2007, 8:23 PM

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I mean-great commentary, good job making a statement, but the majority of fat people aren't fat even though they exercise and eat right. A small minority have that problems-the rest are overweight because they eat too much, or exercise too little, or watch too much tv or have a medical condition.

Rock on with confidence-I agree, no matter what your size, shape, etc you need to live your life. It IS the only one you've got. But let's not lie to ourselves and pretend that "fat" is a good thing. Joy Nash is not the norm. She may weigh over 220, but she's also probably not 5ft 4 in tall, and she's a pretty attractive woman regardless of her size. Not everyone in her weight category has those bonus features to give them extra confidence.

Friday, March 23, 2007, 11:15 PM

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it doesn't play on my computer :(

Saturday, March 24, 2007, 6:28 AM

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What an ego boost! I think she is right, I am going to be happy the way I am WHILE working like I do!

I have group members who freak out on me because I don't workout EVERYDAY. It's OK, I am working out 3-4 times a week, not bad and more than some. My goal is not to loose the weight by June for swimsuit season, but being a healthy me. Healthy for Life, not a fitness junkie obsessing over fitting into the new seasons double zero skinny jeans!

Monday, March 26, 2007, 7:52 PM

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