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water at night
I've recently been trying to increase how much water I drink, thanks to the advice of so many people on PEERtrainer! However, I am now unable to sleep through the night without having to get up to pee - which was never an issue before! This wouldn't be such a big deal, except, my fiance snores pretty loudly - I can sleep through it and it won't wake me, but I cannot fall asleep to the noise! So then I end up having to wake him just to be able to get back to sleep! So the excess water is costing both of us valuable sleep time! How long before bed should I stop drinking water so that this does not occur?
Fri. Nov 4, 9:09am
water at night
I'm a pediatrican, and there was nothing in medical school or my pediatric residency about this "eight glasses of water" per day crap that women's magazines have spread. Yes, you need water to survive. But that 64 ounces per day was orignally calculated for a 150 lb man, and it includes fluids from all sources (water, food, other liquids - including coffee, tea, and drinks with caffiene). Also, think about it: people in the 1970's and 1980's didn't carry water bottles with them constantly, and somehow they didn't die of dehydration. A good rule of thumb: if your urine is a pale to medium yellow, you're getting enough water. So feel free to relax, drink less water during the day, and get a good night's sleep.
Friday, November 4, 2005, 11:42 AM
water at night
I'm a pediatrican, and there was nothing in medical school or my pediatric residency about this "eight glasses of water" per day crap that women's magazines have spread. Yes, you need water to survive. But that 64 ounces per day was orignally calculated for a 150 lb man, and it includes fluids from all sources (water, food, other liquids - including coffee, tea, and drinks with caffiene). Also, think about it: people in the 1970's and 1980's didn't carry water bottles with them constantly, and somehow they didn't die of dehydration. A good rule of thumb: if your urine is a pale to medium yellow, you're getting enough water. So feel free to relax, drink less water during the day, and get a good night's sleep.
Friday, November 4, 2005, 11:42 AM
water at night
I'm a pediatrican, and there was nothing in medical school or my pediatric residency about this "eight glasses of water" per day crap that women's magazines have spread. Yes, you need water to survive. But that 64 ounces per day was orignally calculated for a 150 lb man, and it includes fluids from all sources (water, food, other liquids - including coffee, tea, and drinks with caffiene). Also, think about it: people in the 1970's and 1980's didn't carry water bottles with them constantly, and somehow they didn't die of dehydration. A good rule of thumb: if your urine is a pale to medium yellow, you're getting enough water. So feel free to relax, drink less water during the day, and get a good night's sleep.
Friday, November 4, 2005, 11:42 AM
I don't really have an answer for you...more of a side note. When I get up to go I don't turn on any lights. I keep my self half asleep that way! Also, I sleep with ear plugs because my FI snores too.
Friday, November 4, 2005, 12:25 PM
I don't really have an answer for you...more of a side note. When I get up to go I don't turn on any lights. I keep my self half asleep that way! Also, I sleep with ear plugs because my FI snores too.
Friday, November 4, 2005, 12:25 PM
I don't really have an answer for you...more of a side note. When I get up to go I don't turn on any lights. I keep my self half asleep that way! Also, I sleep with ear plugs because my FI snores too.
Friday, November 4, 2005, 12:25 PM
I know quite a few people who get all their water in before a certain time, somewhere between 4 and 6 hours before bedtime, so that they're not up and down all night. I can't do that since I do physical work, sometimes until midnight, and it makes me thirsty. Besides, reaching for water has become a substitute for reaching for anything else to munch on (I pound about a gallon a day), so I reckon the downside is worth it for me.
Friday, November 4, 2005, 1:17 PM
I know quite a few people who get all their water in before a certain time, somewhere between 4 and 6 hours before bedtime, so that they're not up and down all night. I can't do that since I do physical work, sometimes until midnight, and it makes me thirsty. Besides, reaching for water has become a substitute for reaching for anything else to munch on (I pound about a gallon a day), so I reckon the downside is worth it for me.
Friday, November 4, 2005, 1:17 PM
I know quite a few people who get all their water in before a certain time, somewhere between 4 and 6 hours before bedtime, so that they're not up and down all night. I can't do that since I do physical work, sometimes until midnight, and it makes me thirsty. Besides, reaching for water has become a substitute for reaching for anything else to munch on (I pound about a gallon a day), so I reckon the downside is worth it for me.
Friday, November 4, 2005, 1:17 PM
I have the same problem unless I stop drinking just about anything about 4 hours before I go to bed.
Saturday, November 5, 2005, 10:57 PM
I have the same problem unless I stop drinking just about anything about 4 hours before I go to bed.
Saturday, November 5, 2005, 10:57 PM
I have the same problem unless I stop drinking just about anything about 4 hours before I go to bed.
Saturday, November 5, 2005, 10:57 PM
Water helps me so much that I dont mind the night wakeups to pee.
Anyways, it develops into a habit soon.. I used to go the loo 4-5 times when I started consciously increasing my water intake..
Now I get up only once or twice, though my intake is much better ..
Thursday, November 10, 2005, 1:46 AM
Water helps me so much that I dont mind the night wakeups to pee.
Anyways, it develops into a habit soon.. I used to go the loo 4-5 times when I started consciously increasing my water intake..
Now I get up only once or twice, though my intake is much better ..
Thursday, November 10, 2005, 1:46 AM
Water helps me so much that I dont mind the night wakeups to pee.
Anyways, it develops into a habit soon.. I used to go the loo 4-5 times when I started consciously increasing my water intake..
Now I get up only once or twice, though my intake is much better ..
Thursday, November 10, 2005, 1:46 AM
I try to get a big chunk of my water drunk before lunch - I aim for 32 oz. Then I don't focus on it the rest of the day...I just drink when I think of it. That seems to work for me. I stay hydrated, but I've peed most of it out by the time I go to bed.
Thursday, November 10, 2005, 7:42 AM
I try to get a big chunk of my water drunk before lunch - I aim for 32 oz. Then I don't focus on it the rest of the day...I just drink when I think of it. That seems to work for me. I stay hydrated, but I've peed most of it out by the time I go to bed.
Thursday, November 10, 2005, 7:42 AM
I try to get a big chunk of my water drunk before lunch - I aim for 32 oz. Then I don't focus on it the rest of the day...I just drink when I think of it. That seems to work for me. I stay hydrated, but I've peed most of it out by the time I go to bed.
Thursday, November 10, 2005, 7:42 AM
It happens when you begin to intake the recommended 8-10 glasses of water a day. The night trip to the loo will reduce and eventually stop once your body gets into the swing of things. Trust did for me.
Friday, November 18, 2005, 5:31 AM
It happens when you begin to intake the recommended 8-10 glasses of water a day. The night trip to the loo will reduce and eventually stop once your body gets into the swing of things. Trust did for me.
Friday, November 18, 2005, 5:31 AM
It happens when you begin to intake the recommended 8-10 glasses of water a day. The night trip to the loo will reduce and eventually stop once your body gets into the swing of things. Trust did for me.
Friday, November 18, 2005, 5:31 AM
Pediatrician is correct
I totally agree with the Dr about water. Recent actual SCIENTIFIC research reveals that all this water madness is not evidence-based nor true. Lets not be slaves to the latest fads and trends. I know it's hard to sort fact from fiction, but there is a lot of good enough out there if you go beyond scratching the surface of the popular press.
I am a Labor and Delivery RN, and I advise my pt's the same way; if your urine is pale to medium yellow, you are fine. You will not be harmed by decreasing fluids in the evening, in fact if you sleep better, THAT has been shown to boost your immune system, among other benefits.
However, it is generally good to deliberately force fluids (in conjunction with appropriate medical treatment as needed) if one has a UTI, cough and cold, traveling long distances by air, etc. BALANCE in all things, people! debs
Saturday, November 19, 2005, 4:15 PM
Pediatrician is correct
I totally agree with the Dr about water. Recent actual SCIENTIFIC research reveals that all this water madness is not evidence-based nor true. Lets not be slaves to the latest fads and trends. I know it's hard to sort fact from fiction, but there is a lot of good enough out there if you go beyond scratching the surface of the popular press.
I am a Labor and Delivery RN, and I advise my pt's the same way; if your urine is pale to medium yellow, you are fine. You will not be harmed by decreasing fluids in the evening, in fact if you sleep better, THAT has been shown to boost your immune system, among other benefits.
However, it is generally good to deliberately force fluids (in conjunction with appropriate medical treatment as needed) if one has a UTI, cough and cold, traveling long distances by air, etc. BALANCE in all things, people! debs
Saturday, November 19, 2005, 4:15 PM
Pediatrician is correct
I totally agree with the Dr about water. Recent actual SCIENTIFIC research reveals that all this water madness is not evidence-based nor true. Lets not be slaves to the latest fads and trends. I know it's hard to sort fact from fiction, but there is a lot of good enough out there if you go beyond scratching the surface of the popular press.
I am a Labor and Delivery RN, and I advise my pt's the same way; if your urine is pale to medium yellow, you are fine. You will not be harmed by decreasing fluids in the evening, in fact if you sleep better, THAT has been shown to boost your immune system, among other benefits.
However, it is generally good to deliberately force fluids (in conjunction with appropriate medical treatment as needed) if one has a UTI, cough and cold, traveling long distances by air, etc. BALANCE in all things, people! debs
Saturday, November 19, 2005, 4:15 PM
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