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The moment (part 2)

I'm the orginal poster of "The moment" thread. Thank you for all of you that wrote. Its inspiring and I'm so proud of all of you.

I guess my next question is once you decided to lose weight/get healthy, did you still have set backs? Or was there no looking back?

See, this is how I picture it in my head . . . that there will be this defining moment and its all or nothing and there is no looking back.

Because I have lots of defining moments so to say. Just last night I broke down in tears of how disgusting I feel health wise and appearance wise. But then like the weekend will come and I'lleat out and over eat and I get so discouaged. I just wonder when do i get to the point where I just do it, no looking back. Or am I being to hard on myself?

I jsut read in these health magazines that so and so lost so many pounds and has been that way for so long. Her defining moment was this. What I want to know was, but did she fall at all and pick her self up again. Or is it really that you have this moment and thats just it?!

Wed. Mar 21, 4:49pm

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I responded to your earlier thread...I'm the one who cried on the couch a few summers ago.

believe me, this is a process. Every day I'm doing something that takes me further towards my goal, but it did take me a while to get to that place, and not all days are big steps, some are quite small.

I've learned a lot though. For example, last winter I "took off," thinking that I wouldn't gain too much back and that (since I don't like gyms) I'd get right back to it in the summer when I could run outside again. Well, I gained 7 lbs right back in a couple of months. So, lesson learned and this year I took another approach during the winter. each day is a step, each day a lesson. Some days I fall and have a bag of chips, but some days I succeed and pass them by. it isn't easy. There is no solution or switch. Each day will be a challenge, but if you are always mindful of your goals, and comfortable with what may be a long and slow journey, you will get there in the end.

Good luck!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 5:17 PM

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I have heard people say loosing weight is a mindset. but I have to say its a heart set too. your mind and heart have to be one with this and ready to put forth the effort it takes to loose weight.

this journey is not easy and setbacks will happen but as I read here from somoene else if you fall off the wagon keep walking your bound to get to the place the wagon was going even if you didnt ride there.. I think there is so much to that. this is not a easy ride and temptations will hit. people will offer you food.. you have to learn to take control.. thats the hard part.

pt helps Me because Im accountable to others as to what I write in My logs. especially My groups. I want to encourage them but to do that I need to set a good example and try to eat and live healthy.

good luck on your journey.. this is a learning process. if you make a mistake dont quit get back up and learn some more. only you can achieve this for yourself...

I posted earlier I was the one that had medical reasons for being on steroids. its a long process. there is no quick fixes. believe in yourself,

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 5:59 PM

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OP - I am the same way you are - I can be great and determined all week long and then I blow it on the weekend. I so want to lose this weight and I make progress, but yes, I do have set backs.

I am still waiting for the day that I don't struggle - when these "changes" to my lifestyle BECOME my lifestyle, but I honestly think that I will always have challenges with food. As long as I deal with those challenges and don't let them derail my efforts, I am confident that I will succeed.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 6:22 PM

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OP here . . . thanks you guys. You really helped me a lot. I just want to say Thank you. I'll keep moving forward and not get discouraged. I can do this! I will do this! You guys are the best!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 6:42 PM

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anytime op thats what were here for support... we are all in teh same boat wether its weight loss maintaining weightloss or just living a healthy lifestyle.. good luck!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 6:52 PM

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oh geez! set backs! yes, we all have set backs! but the difference now is that everytime i screw up, instead of going "oh well, i already messed up, may as well keep eating bad and stop working out", I start all over at the next meal! And if I do gain weight back (I did regain 10 lbs back at one point)-I don't let it get so out of control that I can't get back down!

I think I will always struggle too, as I LOVE food-a lot! But it does seem to get a little easier over time!-.q.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 11:40 PM

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I have to say I haven't looked back once, I took baby steps in the beginning. In fact in the beginning all I did was take a long hard look at just how sedentary I was and how many calories I was REALLY eating a day. Then I added changes to how I ate, then weighing stuff, portion reduction, adding phys, as well as social/mental goals. All of it has been phased in over a period of months and all came about very organically. I think the mistake a lot of people make when starting out is doing this backwards. Their first week they're trying to go to the gym four times, stay under 1200 a day, drink however many ounces of water. That will make anyone miserable and it will peter out soon enough.

Just make little changes you can live with first and then it won't feel like you're adding more balls to juggle when you up the ante. I have to say I'm an all or nothing type. I haven't looked back since I commited in November and have lost every week since then. Of course some days I go over the number of calories I aim for, but never by much (we're talking about 100-150 here), and sometimes I still have "don't wanna" days on the exercise front, but I do it anyway. Maybe the difference is, if I had a blow out, I wouldn't see it as a setback. I'd look at what happened, look for reasons, and come up with a plan on how to avoid it in future. I'd just chalk it up to lesson learned. This process is for me, not to torment me!


Thursday, March 22, 2007, 4:44 AM

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Oh I look back all the time, mind you I am still new. But I gotta say, I have a great group, and logging EVERY day and just chatting with people who are going through the same thing helps a whole lot! Somedays I honestly wish I could just be me! I understand that I need to be me but a healthier version. Once you understand that AND you are motivated AND you have a healthy support system, I don't see room for failure. Just know that it's possible. Anything worth having is worth working for.


Thursday, March 22, 2007, 9:03 AM

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If that is the way you see it in your head that there will be this defining moment then you are probably right. Which eventually you will get there to that defining moment but it will be a process of teaching yourself new habits.What is the saying, That which you think about your probably right. ( so I say be careful what you think about). I think you do have a defining moment when you know what you want but it is a process and the secret is to keep on going whether its a slow or fast process.

Thursday, March 22, 2007, 1:03 PM

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