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Questioning my 5lbs 1day weight loss

I posted this in my team community so far no response, so bringing this to the lounge community hopefully some one can chime in.

I have been doing 60min 3days a week cardio since Feb 8, 2007. I saw a 6lbs weight loss after about 2weeks. I was not on any diet eating what I thought was healthy and still eating sweets. TOM came and I went right back up to my start weight TOM left and I was still the same weight changed my cardio routine still no loss found out I was retaining water took a dirutic thinking i would see the 6lbs come off the scale but it didnt happen I saw maybe a pound or two and then I would go back up to 2lbs over my start weight. So yesterday was the day I decided to be serious and add a eating structured plan. I tried WW before and decided to go back to that. All yesterday I stayed on my points drunk my 64oz of water, no exercise because I had to get my mind right no weight loss reallyhad me down.

Anyway I weighed myself yesterday morn and weighed in at 330 weighed myself this morning 325.4??? go figure I don't know if this is real weight loss or not, could it be the water flushed out some fat? I am ready to log this as my new weight :)

Wed. Mar 21, 12:01pm

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Unfortunately, it's probably mostly water weight - if you drank your 64 oz, and changed some salty snacks for some not-so-salty snacks, the water bloat will come right off!

However, great job taking a step in the right direction and changing your eating habits!! With healthy eating, you can expect weight to come off at a pretty steady weight. I know a lot of people say the same for exercise, but I don't know anyone who can eat whatever they want, and through exercise lose a lot of weight. Because you still need to burn more than you consume, and exercising will make you more hungry. So, restricting your calorie intake (or points, since you're doing WW, kinda the same thing), will get you results much more clearly! Keep up the great work, and I expect you'll see consistent losses every week!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 12:15 PM

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Unfortunately, it's probably mostly water weight - if you drank your 64 oz, and changed some salty snacks for some not-so-salty snacks, the water bloat will come right off!

However, great job taking a step in the right direction and changing your eating habits!! With healthy eating, you can expect weight to come off at a pretty steady weight. I know a lot of people say the same for exercise, but I don't know anyone who can eat whatever they want, and through exercise lose a lot of weight. Because you still need to burn more than you consume, and exercising will make you more hungry. So, restricting your calorie intake (or points, since you're doing WW, kinda the same thing), will get you results much more clearly! Keep up the great work, and I expect you'll see consistent losses every week!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 12:15 PM

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Unfortunately, it's probably mostly water weight - if you drank your 64 oz, and changed some salty snacks for some not-so-salty snacks, the water bloat will come right off!

However, great job taking a step in the right direction and changing your eating habits!! With healthy eating, you can expect weight to come off at a pretty steady weight. I know a lot of people say the same for exercise, but I don't know anyone who can eat whatever they want, and through exercise lose a lot of weight. Because you still need to burn more than you consume, and exercising will make you more hungry. So, restricting your calorie intake (or points, since you're doing WW, kinda the same thing), will get you results much more clearly! Keep up the great work, and I expect you'll see consistent losses every week!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 12:15 PM

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a couple thoughts...

1. a loss is a loss - so don't fret, just smile : ) But know that weight doesn't generally fall off without a reason. If you're working at it, the loss may be genuine - keep going. If you see a big loss for "no reason," it may just be a fluke.
2. don't take a diuretic. if you lose weight that way, you're only losing water - which your body needs to function. think if you drained the oil out of your car - - sure it would weigh less, but you'd kill your engine!
3. weigh yourself often - at least every week, but maybe even every day so you can see if this 4.6-lb. loss is a fluke or a trend. I weigh myself about every day. If I see a loss (or a gain, for that matter), I take it in stride because weight can fluctuate over the course of a day or two. I write down my weight so I can see the progression over the course of several weeks. For instance, I am down 0.75 lbs. from yesterday, and I may be up a pound tomorrow. But I'm down 1.5 pounds from last week, and down 2 pounds from the week before.

Regardless - unless this was your LAST five pounds to lose, you've got to keep pressing forward. So keep up the great work and stay focused! : )

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 12:21 PM

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a couple thoughts...

1. a loss is a loss - so don't fret, just smile : ) But know that weight doesn't generally fall off without a reason. If you're working at it, the loss may be genuine - keep going. If you see a big loss for "no reason," it may just be a fluke.
2. don't take a diuretic. if you lose weight that way, you're only losing water - which your body needs to function. think if you drained the oil out of your car - - sure it would weigh less, but you'd kill your engine!
3. weigh yourself often - at least every week, but maybe even every day so you can see if this 4.6-lb. loss is a fluke or a trend. I weigh myself about every day. If I see a loss (or a gain, for that matter), I take it in stride because weight can fluctuate over the course of a day or two. I write down my weight so I can see the progression over the course of several weeks. For instance, I am down 0.75 lbs. from yesterday, and I may be up a pound tomorrow. But I'm down 1.5 pounds from last week, and down 2 pounds from the week before.

Regardless - unless this was your LAST five pounds to lose, you've got to keep pressing forward. So keep up the great work and stay focused! : )

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 12:21 PM

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a couple thoughts...

1. a loss is a loss - so don't fret, just smile : ) But know that weight doesn't generally fall off without a reason. If you're working at it, the loss may be genuine - keep going. If you see a big loss for "no reason," it may just be a fluke.
2. don't take a diuretic. if you lose weight that way, you're only losing water - which your body needs to function. think if you drained the oil out of your car - - sure it would weigh less, but you'd kill your engine!
3. weigh yourself often - at least every week, but maybe even every day so you can see if this 4.6-lb. loss is a fluke or a trend. I weigh myself about every day. If I see a loss (or a gain, for that matter), I take it in stride because weight can fluctuate over the course of a day or two. I write down my weight so I can see the progression over the course of several weeks. For instance, I am down 0.75 lbs. from yesterday, and I may be up a pound tomorrow. But I'm down 1.5 pounds from last week, and down 2 pounds from the week before.

Regardless - unless this was your LAST five pounds to lose, you've got to keep pressing forward. So keep up the great work and stay focused! : )

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 12:21 PM

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Don't take a diuretic unless you are prescribed one. It is not good for your body and any weight you lose with it you will gain back. Don't fret too much about whether this is "real" weightloss or not, because you will know in a couple of days. Keep exercising, keep eating healthy and cutting back on calories, and you should continue seeing real loss.

Some people say not to weigh yourself everyday, it's really whatever works for you. But I recommend weighing yourself each day (at least in the begining) so you can watch your particular trend. I know that my weight fluctuates between 139-143 a couple of times a week (I'm in maintanence) and I don't worry unless I see 143 stick around or go higher. This way we aren't freaking out thinking we gained weight when we really haven't. Good luck with your journey and keep going!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 12:48 PM

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Don't take a diuretic unless you are prescribed one. It is not good for your body and any weight you lose with it you will gain back. Don't fret too much about whether this is "real" weightloss or not, because you will know in a couple of days. Keep exercising, keep eating healthy and cutting back on calories, and you should continue seeing real loss.

Some people say not to weigh yourself everyday, it's really whatever works for you. But I recommend weighing yourself each day (at least in the begining) so you can watch your particular trend. I know that my weight fluctuates between 139-143 a couple of times a week (I'm in maintanence) and I don't worry unless I see 143 stick around or go higher. This way we aren't freaking out thinking we gained weight when we really haven't. Good luck with your journey and keep going!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 12:48 PM

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Don't take a diuretic unless you are prescribed one. It is not good for your body and any weight you lose with it you will gain back. Don't fret too much about whether this is "real" weightloss or not, because you will know in a couple of days. Keep exercising, keep eating healthy and cutting back on calories, and you should continue seeing real loss.

Some people say not to weigh yourself everyday, it's really whatever works for you. But I recommend weighing yourself each day (at least in the begining) so you can watch your particular trend. I know that my weight fluctuates between 139-143 a couple of times a week (I'm in maintanence) and I don't worry unless I see 143 stick around or go higher. This way we aren't freaking out thinking we gained weight when we really haven't. Good luck with your journey and keep going!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 12:48 PM

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