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The moment
I have a question for you all . . . what was the "defining moment" you had when you knew you needed to start losing weight? I keep hearing and reading in magazines that these successful people had a "defining moment".
Because for me, I've always been a little over weight and have always needed to work at it. But another year, month, week I'm in the same spot until recently when I started doing Peer Trainer. I have lots a moments when I'm like, "okay, back on track today. You can do it." I'm wondering, will it not happen for me until I have a "defining moment"?
Wed. Mar 21, 10:24am
Defining moment
You will never be able to change what you are willing to tolerate. I am trying to make sure that I will not tolerate my wieght this high. I am not going to stay calm and complacent anymore. I will be my BEST friend. Hope that helps.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 10:36 AM
I don't remember what the thought was. But I do remember crying on my couch one afternoon a few summers ago. I was overweight, not horribly, but digger than I had ever been in my life. And I knew that if I didn't take control of this, I mean actively take control of this, than I would be very unhappy. I refused to buy clothes in bigger size. So, I started my weight loss journey. So glad I did!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 10:49 AM
Absolutely the case with me. Got some photos back last summer. They told me what my mirror wasn't (or what I hadn't been allowing myself to see). I was disgusted to realise I was fat. I had no idea. 45 pounds later and I'm still working on it, but am motivated every day. If you'd like to see one of the photos in question, it's on my profile. I go there and look myself sometimes - as a pat on the back or a spur to the haunches, whichever's necessary.
I have no idea whether this "eureka moment" happens to most of not, but thinking back on it, all the things I've been successful in in life have started with one, where you just see what has to be done and go after it, no ifs, ands, or buts. But a defining moment is a symptom, not a cause. Something happens and you find your motivation and are willing to do anything to get to your goal. I think it's just a way your mind tells you that all the necessary mental groundwork is there to proceed. I really do think that the whole weightloss/quest for fitness thing is, to a large extint, mental. If you can't picture yourself there, you won't get there. If you can't incorporate (in whatever manner works best for you) little changes into your life that you can conceive of as anything but temporary, you're not going to get there.
I don't think there's a way of forcing a "moment", nor do I think you need to. When you're truly ready to make the changes, you will. Best of luck to you .
Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 12:06 PM
One of my MANY defining moments was at the local grocery store. I stepped on the scale and I was expecting to see the 180's, when I saw 225, I almost started crying immediately. The first thing I wanted to do (and probably did) was bury my face in my favorite comfort foods. After that I was just so disgusted in myself, that I almost gave up all together.
After I knew that I needed to focus on weight loss, I would say things like "I SOOO want to go to the gym to lose this weight" but finish by saying "I need a personal trainer and Ican't afford that now" or "I need an mp3 player first" or "I need good workout music for my mp3 player". Once I had things I really needed I knew I was out of excuses, but started to procrastinate. "Oh my head hurts today" or "Oh, someone else is already in there" or "My toenails are too long".
One day I realized that my excuses were ridiculous. I lived directly above the gym, it was free with a gorgeous view. I was out of excuses. I made the point to use PT, I am still new to this, but 3 weeks later I am still going strong. Thanks to my group members, I am able to hold my self accountable (If I don't, they do! lol). Hopefully 100lbs from now I will be able to look back and laugh at how silly I was in the beginning!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 12:29 PM
I don't think I had one defining "moment" but I was heavy my whole life, and probably had a lot of "moments" responsible for me finally getting off my arse and making a change. I think I mostly wanted to look better-I was tired of going out with my friends and always being the fat friend. I wanted to stop shopping in the fat girl stores. I was tired of hearing comments like "oh, but you have such a pretty face" or "you're not fat, you're all muscle" (not quite the case!) I wanted to be able to walk into any store and just buy a piece of clothing that fit! I stepped on a friend's scale in college and was absolutely shocked to see a number over 200 on there. I never thought I would get that heavy. I wanted to LIKE myself, and I had a self-hatred towards my body since elementary school when I realized I was "fat".
Those are all the things that got me started, but when I began to lose motivation, and had thoughts of giving up (and still does), something else makes me go workout. My mother passing away at 56. She had lung problems (some due to smoking for 30 yrs/some just genetic) and diabetes and most likely if her lifestyle had been a little different, she would still be here. I don't want to die that young if I can help it-I want to avoid developing diabetes like so many others in my family and I want to live a long, healthy, active life. This in the back of my mind has kept me going through the entire 73 lbs I've lost, and I have a feeling it will help me keep the weight off too.
Find a reason to lose the weight, get healthy etc. that isn't just a short term goal and I think you will find great success. Good luck!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 12:40 PM
I gained weight from stroids that were for medical reasons. I decided after they took Me off them I didnt like what I had become I oculdt wear anything I didnt think I looked liek atent in so I started walking .. and eating on smaller plates determined to get back down. I was wearing a size 35 waist jeans and almost for ukers 23 stone. I hated Myself I wouldnt allow My pic to be taken. than I got a kitten for christmas and My bro took A pic of Me holding feisty... wow that was a wake call. a reality check.. I still carry that pic over 165 pounds lighter and working on the last 75.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 12:52 PM
wait a lost 165 pounds??!! wow!! rock on with your bad self!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 12:54 PM
Someone once told me that we all have a weight in our minds when our own alarm sounds and we say to ourselves that we have to go on a diet. It sounds like you may be reaching the point where you are tired of waiting for that alarm to go off.
With any addiction there are days that you wake up and you just know that this is the day you can do it. Maybe the next time you have a "good day" you can think of it as an alarm for you and make it your defining moment.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 1:12 PM
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