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Getting Sick After Going To The Gym?

I go to the gym very infrequently, but I think it helps get me sick for some reason. I don't get sick every time I go to the gym, but every time I get a cold, I had been to the gym just prior. Has anyone else had this experience?

Tue. Mar 20, 6:53am

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When I first started - yes. I definitely think I caught the sniffles from the gym. This happens almost every time I fly too. However after I got into the daily habit - things susbsided and I have had no further problems. Any environment with that many people coming and going and that much moisture is going to be a breeding ground for bacteria no matter how scrupulous everyone tries to be about wiping down equipment. The good thing is that your immune system can handle an amazing amount of it, and the healthier you are, the better it works. :-)

Your hands are the main way bacteria and viruses enter your body. Wash your hands before and after working out (for 20 seconds) and avoid touching your face. If you do, use a towel of your own that you wash regularly in hot water with chlorine bleach. Hand sanitizer is not a bad thing either, but it's too drying for me to use on a daily basis.

Wishing you good health!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007, 9:46 AM

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gyms are one of the germiest places! i agree-wash wash wash those hands!! and wipe down machines after you use them! be careful too of any open cuts you may have on exposed body parts (especially hands since they will be touching the most stuff at the gym) as you can pick up a gross infection. wear a bandage! and wear flip flops in the locker room and shower!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007, 12:44 PM

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Yuk! There were so many people coughing and hacking and spreading their germs when I went to the gym last night. I ALWAYS wash my hands immediately after going to the gym and the grocery store. I can just visualize all those germs crawling around on the gym equipment and grocery store shopping carts! I may be a bit of a germophobe, but as a result, I haven't been sick in the past 2 to 3 years. Knocking on wood now!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007, 1:02 PM

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