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I am 36, I have a 2 year old. I have never had a flu shot and have never had the flu of any kind. My husband seems to think that this year I should get the flu shot and I'm not sure what to do. Having never had a flu shot and never having the flu I have very strong feelings about it and my gut tells me not to get the shot. My reasoning? Everyone I know who has had a flu shot seems to get the flu. Maybe not every year but they do end up getting it. The few people I know who haven't had a flu shot don't recall ever having the flu. So, it seems to me getting the flu shot makes you more prone to get the flu. How is this explainable? A government conspiracy? Or just plain luck on my part and other people who have never had the flu or the flu shot? My husband wants me to get it because of our daughter but I am very leary. Any advice or thoughts on this?

Thu. Nov 3, 7:21am

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If you are healthy, you are the last candidate for a flu shot. Your daughter is a candidate because of her age. I have got flu shots in the past and did not get the flu. I have not got flu shots in the past and not got the flu. People who have higher risk factors like the young and the elderly and the sick really should have them. It's your call, it's your body. If you don't get one and you get sick then you'll say, "oh, I wish I had gotten a flu shot." If you don't get one and don't get sick, you'll be saying, "See, I didn't need a flu shot."

Thursday, November 3, 2005, 7:36 AM

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Go with your gut. Your subconscious knows a whole lot more about the big picture than your conscious thoughts. Maybe spend a few minutes in a quiet place and clarify your thoughts on the subject -- you know more than you think you do.

Thursday, November 3, 2005, 8:18 AM

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Actually, for the second poster, anyone who is young or old, or caring for someone who's young or old, is in the first line of people who should get the flu shot. To the OP, though, if you don't want the flu shot, and you have the money or resources to have someone else care for your small child in the event that you do get the flu, then go with your gut. I've gotten flu shots some years, and not others, and I don't think I've ever gotten the flu. Last year, though, my fiance (who did not get the shot) got the flu really badly - high fever, chills, aches, etc, for days, and I was around him the whole time, taking care of him, kissing him, whatever, and I never got the flu - and I had gotten a flu shot! After that, I'm sold!! I got mine on Tuesday; so did he!

Thursday, November 3, 2005, 8:47 AM

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Maybe a caregiver at a daycare, hospital or nursing home is first in line for a shot but being the mother of a young child, I am not first in line and my dr. has told me so. If I really WANT one I can get one but if I had to pick a shot for me, a child or an older person, I would definitely let a child or older person get theirs before I got mine.

Thursday, November 3, 2005, 10:57 AM

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There are plenty of flu shots this year. They are not restricting it to any age range like last year.

Friday, November 4, 2005, 12:10 AM

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Even last year, if you were the mother of a small child, you could have one. It was one of the qualifiers. This year, since there is no shortage, and the flu can be hard on a small child, I think it is your responsibility to get one - because how bad would you feel if you didn't get the shot, and you caught the flu and brought it home to your small children?! If you get the shot, you've done everythign that you can.

If you choose to not get the shot (or even if you do get it), use this season as a time to set cleanliness standards in your house - making sure that you wash your hands with hot water and soap before you touch or prepare or eat any food, and getting your whole family to do the same. If it's not possible for your little one to truly clean his hands well at the sink, keep a bottle of Purel in the kitchen and make sure he is clean before he uses his hands to eat. Practices like that can help stop the spread of the flu, colds, and many other illnesses!

Friday, November 4, 2005, 9:05 AM

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I don't know if any of you watched the news today but there are shortages. Walgreens cancelled over 500 flu shot clinics due to shortages.

Saturday, November 5, 2005, 1:44 PM

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Walgreen didn't order enough and are still waiting for more shots to arrive, they didn't expect this many people. I think people are freaking and actually getting the shot this year becauseof the Bird Flu scare.

Sunday, November 6, 2005, 12:54 PM

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I know I'm about three years late here, but I just got a flu shot for the first time in five years and I'm a little scared that I'm going to get sick. It's just that I go sick so many times last year, I didn't want to go through all that again this year.

What are you thoughts on flu shots?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008, 4:33 PM

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I don't get one, but I have a stellar immune system and am very healthy. My boyfriend got the flu last year and it was horrible to watch. I hope I never get it, but I figure I have just as much chance with or without the shot.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008, 5:54 PM

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Every year they pick a strain of influenza they think will be most prevalent and make the shot for that particular strain. It's a crapshoot, in other words. You can still catch the flu, just a different strain.

Personally, I don't usually bother. However, I am now living in a multi-generational household and helping to care for my elderly grandparents. My Grandfather has lung cancer. He's doing quite well (if you don't count him taking a header off the embankment behind our house and injuring his leg yesterday) and I don't want to risk killing him, and Gran has been medically frail for a while, so I'll get the shot this year. It may prevent only one strain, but if that DOES turn out to be the most prevalent strain this winter and I'm the one that kills off our Old People because I caught it and passed it on - I'd never forgive myself. Better safe than sorry.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008, 6:31 PM

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I work with children and last year my office had a nurse come to us and gave us flu shots if we wanted them. First flu shot I ever got, and it was the first flu season I didn't get sick in someway that could have been flu related. In your home it's probably more important that your little one gets the flu shot the way germs are spread in day cares, schools, or anywhere else there are a lot of children. If your child doesn't end up getting the flu, and you have good hygiene with had washing and not sticking your fingers in your eyes or mouth, do what you want with getting one for yourself. Your right that you probably don't need one but it's up to you.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008, 11:07 PM

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I am a mother of three, was always healthy until 5 years ago when I had such bad flu that I ended up in hospital with respiratory problems. It came out of the blue and affected two other friends and lots of our kids. We all take the flu shot now and not one of us has been hit by the flu since then. I was against the flu shot before this experience, but I can tell you it is a big risk if you do not have the support mechanisms to take care of you and your children if you get bad flu. Incidentally we all had a low grade fever for a day after taking the shot this year.

Thursday, October 9, 2008, 1:11 AM

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