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PMS! Here it comes

I was doing good with my weight loss plan.. and then the PMS set in. I hate to see myslf getting bloated, get de-motivated to workout..
And worst is................. I crave a lot for food and cannot control my appetite
HELP please before I waste away all good that I did :(

Thu. Nov 3, 1:46am

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I can't seem to get myself to the gym when I'm PMSing either... But, when I do, it makes me feel soo much better than it does when I'm not PMSing. Tell yourself you're just going to go and workout for 10 minutes; I bet you'll stay after you start! And all the time that you're there, you're not eating!

Or, take yourself shopping (or window shopping) - walk around as much as possible. Looking at clothes that you'd want will keep you wanting to lose weight, and again, that whole time, you won't be eating! Carry a bottle of water with you when you go, and drink it as you shop - you'll be less tempted to buy a mocha or whatever you might buy while shopping.

Thursday, November 3, 2005, 8:53 AM

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See if you can find a buddy who can drag you out or come over and distract you. That helps me with both the eating and the tendancy to be a bit depressed and withdrawn. Working out helps, but I rarely have to strength to drag myself out. That's why a friend and I have an agreement where we each drag each out and won't take 'no' for an answer. There has never been a time where we have not thanked each other for it!

Thursday, November 3, 2005, 2:10 PM

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I read that you burn more calories the days before getting your period - that's how I motivated myself, just knowing I'm getting more bang for my buck, so to speak! Same workout, more cals burned? GOOD DEAL!

Thursday, November 3, 2005, 8:40 PM

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I hear you. I totally suffer from this as well. And I feel like I gain 4 pounds in a day! At least it's over after a few days.

Sunday, November 6, 2005, 5:04 PM

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Its not always over after a few days. If my period is delayed, the bloating doesnt go away and sometimes just remains.
Is this scary? Should I see a doctor?

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 5:42 AM

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