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How do you know?

For I would say about 3 weeks I've been doing well on portions,not overeating and eating healthy. Do you think all my bad habbits are broken? Or am I tricking myself? I know 3 weeks isn't very long to break lifetime formed habbits but I would like to be able to say I am no longer addicted to food. Also it has been awhile since I've even had the urge to binge or eat something when I am not truly hungry. I want to know what everyone thinks!

Wed. Nov 2, 11:02pm

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Unfortunately I don't believe the bad habits are gone. I think that it's a constant battle. I don't mean to sound negative and I don't think one day you'll just get up and go back to your old lifestyle but I do think that as time goes on slowly the bad habits can start to reappear and before you know it most are back. Great job with your successes so far. Just stay focused so those old habits don't creep back.

Friday, November 4, 2005, 12:30 PM

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I have read that it takes 21 days for things to become habit. So basically I think what you've done is you've overcome the hardest part; you did break yourself of the old habits. But I do agree partly with what the other poster said; we are kind of like recovering alcoholics - we'll never really be "cured" of our old habits and urges, we just learn to control and suppress them. You have already taken the biggest hurdle; maintaining good habits is much easier than developing them. Good for you!

Friday, November 4, 2005, 12:41 PM

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Thank you!

My bad habbits did kind of come back today because I ate a piece of pizza at 10:30 pm when I wasnt hungry. I know that when I do things like that it is wrong and I will regret it later and I am but thank you very much for the advice.


Friday, November 4, 2005, 11:03 PM

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