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Have you ever tried this?

I just signed up to be a distributor for Herbalife and they sent me a month's worth of weight-loss products free to try ( : P) but i've never tried anything like this. Whenever I wanted to drop weight before I always just went to the gym and ate well. I was wondering if anyone had ever tried this particular weight loss program and how it worked for them.

Fri. Mar 16, 11:52am

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So, you've never tried the product yet you've signed up to distribute it to consumers? Sorry, but I could never in good faith sell something that I wasn't wholeheartedly supporting.

Friday, March 16, 2007, 1:28 PM

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1:28, I'm not the OP, but Herbalife sells MANY products. You cannot expect a new distributor to have tried everything.

Friday, March 16, 2007, 4:21 PM

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I have tried it. it wasnt for Me all the different cococtions made Me feel sluggish so I went back to the hard way but the way I knew it worked. watching what I eat and walking the herballife did nothing for Me. it may work for others though each body is different.. good luck!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007, 3:17 AM

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I didn't like the plan much. Despite the NRG pills, I had no energy - I was a teacher at the time, and that's a really horrible job to have to tolerate when you feel sleepy and headachey all the time. The shakes were way overpriced and didn't even taste good. I did manage to lose about 13 lbs (I had 50-60 to lose), and then it just stopped working so I gave up after 6 weeks on a plateau.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 2:19 PM

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yes I am 3:17 poster I agree I didnt like feeling tired all the time I was doing child care when you have two sets of twins and a few others you need energy. the shakes were not flavorful. I did lose about 5 pounds but when I went off it I worked hard and lost over a 165 pounds so I would rather do it naturally than doing it with pills and such even if they were natural. the feelings felt more drug like. just My thoughts. like I said before I wish you luck. others lost with it thats what reeled Me in to try and sell it but It wasnt effective for Me.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 2:35 PM

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