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Can this really happen?

I've been working extra hard over the past month on both diet and exercise. Yet not a pound has budged! I was so discouraged, and my weight was consistently the same every day for weeeeeks. Then this morning I weighed myself and I'd dropped 3 pounds. Is it possible that the loss is real? I drink tons of water so I know I'm not dehydrated or anything..and my scale has been accurate for all my friends ( wonderful enough to indulge in my neurosis lol). Is it possible that weightloss can just catch up with you like that? Or is that ridiculous?

Fri. Mar 16, 12:51am

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Absolutely possible. It happens to me all the time. I sort of stop losing and up my exercise but nothing happens and all of a sudden I'm down 3-5 pounds. I think as we stop losing we are building muscle. I bet if you track your measurement as well as weight you will see that even though you aren't seeing the scale go down you will see a loss in inches and probably your clothes will fit better or differently.

Friday, March 16, 2007, 1:35 AM

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This is me. And it works the other way too. I spent 2 mos eating a lot of extra junk after hitting my WW goal and then in october, overnight it seemed I gained 5 pounds.

I think in May I'll see more rapid wt loss, but receintly I had a "sudden" drop of 3 pounds after 3 wks of eating healthy, lots of fruits/veggies, not lots of processed food, and even flax seed oil daily - and NO BUDGING until about 3 wks.

water ? muscle? Something else entirelY ? I don't know. But historically I've seen in May, the wt i'm trying to lose begins to slide off more rapidly.

THIS time I know that it'll work in reverse and I won't reassume lousy eating habits

Friday, March 16, 2007, 5:53 AM

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