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I have found myself using them more and more over the last 4-5 years. I find that if I'm not getting enough fiber I get a little stopped up and bloated so I use them for relief.
I would say I use them at least once a month, but this week I've used them everyday.
I run 6 miles a day, do a little weightlifting, and eat pretty healthy along with consume plenty of water.
Could I have adverse affects from laxatives other than my body relying on them for bowel movements?
Wed. Mar 14, 4:20pm
Check this out,11475,4029,00.html
Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 4:30 PM
I became dependent on the herbal laxative cascara sagrada. I figured that it wasn't too bad because its pretty gentle and I seem to have a slow digestive system. However I went for a colonscopy and because of the over-use part of my intestines was green instead of pink ! I'm slowly weening myself off them...its tough but I tried to look at it this way: The reason I havent tried to get off them before is because I cant stand the idea of being constipated and therefore super makes me obviously uncomfortable and also feel less attractive. SO I've chosen to take 2 weeks to rejuvinate, meaning I dont expect myself to go out with friends and eat heavy meals, I'll try to get as much sleep as possible and as much daily exercise, plus lots of fiber!
I would be completely honest with your doctor also, I was and its definitely not the first time they've seen this kind of thing. If you've always had a tendency towards constipation you might actually need some sort of meds or supplement that your doctor could recommend.
Laxatives (especially stimulant laxatives!) are rough on your body, but if you ween off of them soon, the damage is undoable :)
Friday, March 16, 2007, 12:19 AM
I did too many too
And had a hard time getting off them. It just sneaks up on you... I didn't even realize how many I was taking. I still have the occasional problems and now I take digestive enzymes instead esp w/ red meat.
Friday, March 16, 2007, 4:11 AM
I hope you're not on any other medications or birth control - laxatives interfere significantly with absorption.
Consider taking some acidophilus or similar probiotics to restore your intestinal flora to something resembling normal.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 2:44 PM
obviously you are not getting the fiber you need, even though you claim to eat healthy. what are you eating besides laxatives?
Wednesday, March 28, 2007, 8:17 AM
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