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Flat pedometer

Does anyone know of a "slim" or flat-ish pedometer? I want to wear mine, but as vain as it sounds, I don't like the bump that comes with it... especially in summertime. Also, it seems that it's more likely to get bumped on things and fall off....

any ideas? or brands? :)

Wed. Mar 14, 10:51am

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Don't know if this helps, but I have the Omron HJ-112 and find that it works fine in either a pants pocket or shirt pocket, so I don't bother with the belt clip, etc. And it's a nice model in other respects. Got mine from Amazon for under $20.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 12:54 PM

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falt or slim pedometer

I have not tried this one but recently heard some decent reviews about the SPORTLINE ThinQ Pocket Pedometer $29.99
- 3 mm thin
- Counts steps and distance
- Measures calories burned
- comes in different colors

Has no button cover, can accidentally reset itself
Needs to be carried straight up and down for accuracy
must not be tilted or slanted

They also have a pedometer you can wear on your wrist like a watch, same link below but it's more expensive.
955 Pedometer Watch (it's a heart rate moniter & pedometer) $49.99

If you search the SPORTLINE ThinQ Pocket Pedometer + Reviews, you might get a better idea of user opinions.
I just had my pedometer get mangled by the lawn mower - it must have fallen off while wearing it on my belt, so I was checking online for options.

I had the Omron HJ-112 also, but I found it not to be very accurrate when I had it in my pocket despite what their manual says. Maybe if it's properly set up from the beginning, it would be more accurrate but I didn't have that experience


Wednesday, March 19, 2008, 1:29 PM

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