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Getting married in 5 months-need to up the anty

So, I have lost 10 pounds I have another 15 to lose before the big day. Starting today I have lowered my caloric intake to 1200 and have committed to 30 mins. of walking 5 days a week during lunch in addition to 30 mins. of bike riding to work. I also do long bike rides on the weekends and jog before work if I am up for it. I drink a fair amount of water, eat very healthy foods i.e. tons of veg and fruit, nuts, grains and legumes. Is there anything else I am missing here? I drink a glass of wine just about everynight and may have more on the weekends. Anything else I could be doing to melt the lbs away? I'm currently at 154 and want to be 140 within 3 months. Help... :)

Tue. Mar 13, 4:43pm

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Walking/jogging and biking are fantastic calorie burners but you'll want to get in a bit cardio for fat burning (like a kickboxing routine. Loads of workouts available on the internet to keep things interesting)mand something with weights or resistance for toning up (I just use bands or light free weights). I got over a plateau adding both and have really felt the benefits. I think your goal is realistic and it sounds like you have a plan. All the best, and congratulations.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 4:58 PM

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Increase your cardio to 45-60 minutes and add in weights at least twice or three times a week. You will burn off more cals if you have more muscles.
Also, if you're getting married in Aug./Sept. you'll probably be wearing a sleeveless dress so you'll want your arms to be toned anyway!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 9:13 AM

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weights weights weights! Do not be afraid of gaining more muscle, it may be heavier than fat, but it takes up a LOT less room and so you will appear more slender. Besides, nothing is sexier than nice looking arms, not fleshy ones!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 9:20 AM

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