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Eat something!
I posted this in my group too, but I wanted to get other's opinions on the situation I encountered last night. I know, I know, I should get a blog...but I just need to process this and come up with some avoidance strategies for the future.
Last night I went to a board meeting for a community organization that I belong to. I spent the entire evening staring down a bowl of tootsie rolls and mini kit kats. I didn't have one and was feeling really proud.
THEN, the meeting is over and suddenly the food appears...cookies, apple tarts, cider, and coffee. I'm resisting, resisting, resisting, but it is hard and I'm having to keep telling myself that really it is too late for snacking. Then the host come us to me and says: "Dawfit, eat something!" Like a command. I feel this pressure to snack and do as I am told.
Is this messed up or what?? There is so much PRESSURE to eat sometimes. How can I avoid this situation in the future? I didn't want to be rude, it was my first time meeting many of these people.
Wed. Nov 2, 8:32am
and you were doing so well.
Look use what you had going for you. You said you had been feeling proud about standing up the the tootsies (which happen to be my favorites) and Kitkats. The next step would have been to search for a bottle of water and continued to decline politely. And remember you don't have to give them the Oh i'm watching my weight response, you owe no one an excuse. Take that moment and feel superiour; damn i'm good and am going to get alot better I don't need the snack it'll only make me feel bad.
Never do what you are r told w/ regard to food unless your hungry because its not good for YOU!!!
Weight loss, and food and feeling good is all ABOUT YOU !!!!
No one is there when your staring yourself in the mirror feeling yuckie, no one is there asking you out when you feel like a boat because your clothing is to tight, no one is there hugging and loving on you because they aren't attracted to you because you don't feel attractive and desireable.
Make your decision's with regard to food about you. Never ever look down on another person's food choices we are not here to judge but to be encouraging when someone is also looking to feel better about their food.
This is not a license to binge later on when your alone so be cautious have a plan for when your alone like a tasty yougart or a hot shower or some meaningful or meaningless (calorie burning) sex with your mate, partner, husband, lover, what ever euphemism you prefer. (lol)
Sorry if I ranted on I just remember what it felt like when I was losing weight and doing good food and getting all sorts of temptation and family and food friendly buddies sabatours were lurking in the midst.
Good luck friend
until next time...
Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 11:07 AM
I've been in that situation and it is very hard. I think you did very well and should congratulate yourself. My biggest problem was office birthdays. I finally got to the point where I accepted the plate with cake on it, kept messing it up with a fork (never taking a bite), and then throwing my cake in the trash after the party was over and no one was looking. Why should I wear the cake on my waist when the trash can holds it so much better?
Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 1:33 PM
I think a little white lie would have been acceptible in this case (and then change the topic of conversation really fast):
"thanks, but my stomach is feeling a little funny, so I'll pass" or
"I had the hugest dinner ever, I'm still stuffed!" or
"thanks, I already had some. The apple tarts were amazing!" or
"I have to take one of those tests at the doctor's tomorrow where you have to fast - I can't eat until after then."
Ok, so that last one is a little much, especially with people you work with, but maybe one of the others would work? It's hard when it happens all the time. Eventually people will notice the pattern. I've toyed with the idea of telling people that I'm vegan, but that can backfire, too.
Great job resisting the tootsies! And keep in mind that this is a work in progress - no one can eat perfectly all the time.
Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 1:52 PM
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