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Help with IBS
Can anyone who has had experience with IBS give me some advice on what you've found helpful. I've tried eliminating all sorts of food from my diet that might trigger it (as per my doctors advice). I eat a balanced diet and get plenty of fiber. Nothing I have added or taken away from my diet has given me any relief. Is there any supplements out there that help? Any advice would be appreciated.
Mon. Mar 12, 4:29pm
I suffered from IBS and found that mine was triggered by stress. I was also given some sort of meds from my doctor but it was so long ago I don't remember what...
It hasn't bothered me in years though, I think I learned to handle my stress better...
Monday, March 12, 2007, 5:00 PM
I suffered from IBS and found that mine was triggered by stress. I was also given some sort of meds from my doctor but it was so long ago I don't remember what...
It hasn't bothered me in years though, I think I learned to handle my stress better...
Monday, March 12, 2007, 5:00 PM
I suffered from IBS and found that mine was triggered by stress. I was also given some sort of meds from my doctor but it was so long ago I don't remember what...
It hasn't bothered me in years though, I think I learned to handle my stress better...
Monday, March 12, 2007, 5:00 PM
I happened to notice recently that the Dummies series of books actually has a book entitled IBS for Dummies by Dean and Wheeler.
Despite the off-putting title, I've found the Dummies series to be very helpful and well-researched surveys of various topics. I have no experience with IBS, but I've been generally happy with the Dummies books I have read.
Monday, March 12, 2007, 6:52 PM
I happened to notice recently that the Dummies series of books actually has a book entitled IBS for Dummies by Dean and Wheeler.
Despite the off-putting title, I've found the Dummies series to be very helpful and well-researched surveys of various topics. I have no experience with IBS, but I've been generally happy with the Dummies books I have read.
Monday, March 12, 2007, 6:52 PM
I happened to notice recently that the Dummies series of books actually has a book entitled IBS for Dummies by Dean and Wheeler.
Despite the off-putting title, I've found the Dummies series to be very helpful and well-researched surveys of various topics. I have no experience with IBS, but I've been generally happy with the Dummies books I have read.
Monday, March 12, 2007, 6:52 PM
i eliminated wheat from my diet and my symptoms have been greatly relieved. only the occassional bloating and / or constipation rather than constant.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 8:16 AM
i eliminated wheat from my diet and my symptoms have been greatly relieved. only the occassional bloating and / or constipation rather than constant.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 8:16 AM
i eliminated wheat from my diet and my symptoms have been greatly relieved. only the occassional bloating and / or constipation rather than constant.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 8:16 AM
I've had IBS for years and have found great help through Heather Von Vorous' books & products. She does suggest eliminating all dairy and some other foods, but she also talks about the importance of insoluble & soluble fibers. I've included a link below that you may find helpful.
One of the biggest helps for me personally (which took me quite a while to determine) was getting enough sleep, because it helps me be less stressed. My IBS has mellowed a bit in the past couple years & I highly attribute it to getting lots of sleep (8-9 hrs per night) and a less stressful commute (I went from an hour drive to a 5 min drive and you'd be surprised how big of a difference it was for me).
Best of luck!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 9:23 AM
I've had IBS for years and have found great help through Heather Von Vorous' books & products. She does suggest eliminating all dairy and some other foods, but she also talks about the importance of insoluble & soluble fibers. I've included a link below that you may find helpful.
One of the biggest helps for me personally (which took me quite a while to determine) was getting enough sleep, because it helps me be less stressed. My IBS has mellowed a bit in the past couple years & I highly attribute it to getting lots of sleep (8-9 hrs per night) and a less stressful commute (I went from an hour drive to a 5 min drive and you'd be surprised how big of a difference it was for me).
Best of luck!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 9:23 AM
I've had IBS for years and have found great help through Heather Von Vorous' books & products. She does suggest eliminating all dairy and some other foods, but she also talks about the importance of insoluble & soluble fibers. I've included a link below that you may find helpful.
One of the biggest helps for me personally (which took me quite a while to determine) was getting enough sleep, because it helps me be less stressed. My IBS has mellowed a bit in the past couple years & I highly attribute it to getting lots of sleep (8-9 hrs per night) and a less stressful commute (I went from an hour drive to a 5 min drive and you'd be surprised how big of a difference it was for me).
Best of luck!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 9:23 AM
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