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OT: Highlighting grey hair?

I have very dark brown hair with about 25% grey. Right now I color my hair at home, doing a passable job. I color it brown, but a lighter shade than my natural color.

My stylist recommended considering having my hair highlighted instead of colored. She said that you only need to do it once every 3-4 months instead of every 4-6 weeks, and that the roots will blend in as they grow in.

That seems like a long time between colorings - the roots will be quite long. Has anyone had this done? What does it look like, originally and as it grows in? Will my dark roots and grey hairs be noticeable? Thanks for your help!

Sun. Mar 11, 8:01am

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while the lighter hair grows out you will have a line even if you highlight it because it it a solid color. IF you were strting fron sctatch and had NO color in you could highlight your hair very thin pieces and not a heavy foil and it would blend the grey with out a solid line BUT right now in my salon i would tell you it will take about 4 corrective colors to get you to a spot that you only have to do it every 3 months..and if the grey REALLY bothers you you will end up doing it more often. the things to remember are.. the further away from your natural color (either with a full head or foil) the faster you will need the color redone. and the heavier the foil the more of a line and lastly your hair grows a 1/4 to a 1/2 inch a month so in 4 months you could have 2 inches of out growth and most people who color their hair DONT like that ...yes you COULD go 3-4 months but how much grey do you want to see? i tell my clients is all a personal thing. BUT if your hair is very dark i would say no more than 2 months and you are going to be wanting it done again JMHO

Sunday, March 11, 2007, 10:08 AM

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I have medium brown hair with about 25% gray. I highlight it blond. The highlight does not hide the gray, but it blends very nicely. I have a good color of gray that goes with my coloring and (in my opinion) it looks great color-wise (actually not just my opinion – I get great comments from hair dressers all the time) (I’m a “winter” in the “color me beautiful” system)
To hide the gray – which I used to do – you would have to cover the gray first and then highlight it.
The good thing is since there is gray there, everyone thinks I don’t color hair, it makes it look more natural.
I need to do it every two months at least.

Sunday, March 11, 2007, 4:30 PM

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I am a color specialist and I have no idea why they would have said that long in between colors. That would be horrible new growth. There are alot of different options if you want less of an upkeep. But i would never advise anyone to go that long in between.

Sunday, March 11, 2007, 7:28 PM

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Here's an interesting discussion by folks using Sage And Rosemary teas to cover gray and/or restore natural color. After lots of google searches, I've found some people saying that their natural color is restored by the teas and some people saying that the teas cover gray. I have no experience with this, but plan to try it some day if needed.


Monday, March 12, 2007, 11:28 AM

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