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Guys and Gals!!!!! What do you....
notice about people of the opposite sex?
Guys, do you notice a woman's body in general, or butt/boobs, or face? Do you notice the flaws first or are you swooned by the good?
Gals, what do you notice first on men?
I'm a gal, honestly, I only notice good looking guys and it's the face I'm looking at. I don't purposely ignore guys that are ugly or that aren't my type, but they kind of blend in with the crowd. It's usually that pretty face in the crowd that gets my attention.
Fri. Mar 9, 5:43pm
There have been a lot of studies on this and one thing that is always accurate is that most people look at the face first, if they aren't attracted to the face then they don't really look further.
I'm a woman and its still the face that I look at, the whole face, the shape of the face, the eyes, mouth, nose.
Friday, March 9, 2007, 6:30 PM
I am a gentleman and it really depends on whats striking on a woman, If there is something unproportionate like a big butt when they have a tiny kind of sticks out at you. Gorgeous hair can get my attention first. Also it depends on what the woman dresses like. If the woman dresses to compliment curves I notice the nice curves first. It just all depends. Aside from looks, if a woman has a great laugh I will sometimes look around in a crowd for the woman with the laugh, If she has a beautiful loud voice I will notice that in a crowd.
Friday, March 9, 2007, 7:17 PM
i'm a girl. what i notice first about a guy is body. i like skinny guys, muscles are a turn off to me. i also like big noses, but face isnt a big deal to me.
Friday, March 9, 2007, 7:50 PM
I'm a girl and I would definitely say the face. A great smile and kind eyes always wins me over!
Then to also be completely honest, height and size is probably included along with that. Gotta be taller and bigger than me!
Friday, March 9, 2007, 10:07 PM
My Opinion
As a guy, the first thing I notice is a pretty face, the second thing is her body. I have dated women that have been considered model pretty and thin and women who have been over weight yet still very pretty. In the end I think it's the persons personality and spirit the really matter. In the end I married a very pretty, loving, sexy, intelligent, women. I guess I have the best of all worlds.
Saturday, March 10, 2007, 9:00 AM
it's the whole package in harmony
I'm female, and perhaps odd in that I don't form definite first impressions of people. Often I will be talking to someone I've known for a while and suddenly realize, "Wow, he's really attractive!" And by that point I can only say that the whole package works together -- face, body, voice, personality, way of thinking and talking. Maybe subconsciously I saw something else first, but I don't know what it was.
So I would say that I'm not attracted by people I don't know.
Sort of throws the wrench in that "ladder theory" BS that is so popular on the Internet right now!
Saturday, March 10, 2007, 10:29 AM
i agree 100% with the above. it's not any one thing in particular, there's not a "type" i "go for". it's the whole person. i'm not into casual sex or 1-week flings. i establish friendship first, and if that sheds some attraction, i notice it after i've gotten to know a person a bit. i may talk to a stranger while out in public, but it's not determined by their looks or clothes or build, it's because they are near me (sitting next to me or in line behind me, etc).
Saturday, March 10, 2007, 10:52 AM
For guys, the teeth have to be good. It seems weird... but if a guy doesn't have nice, even teeth, it doesn't matter what the rest of his appearance is.
Beyond that, I agree with one of the previous posters. He has to be bigger than me. A strong (not ripped, but solid) build is also necessary- I don't like to be sitting next to a guy and then notice that his legs are skinnier and less defined than mine!
Saturday, March 10, 2007, 6:42 PM
I'm a girl and I actually first look at the build. Not so much muscles and stuff like that, just broad shoulders and height. Then I look at the face.
I do agree with the 1029 and 1052 posters too though. I can become attracted to someone that's not traditionally "my type" once I get to know their personalities. That's not to say I don't notice when someone attractive walks by me though!!
Saturday, March 10, 2007, 8:52 PM
I'm a straight, married woman but i am totally crushing on my yoga teacher. Not only is she wonderfully patient and calming, but she has the most intriguing and gorgeous flowery tattoos. Must be the aura of mystery. I can never see them all at once. *sigh*
Sunday, March 11, 2007, 10:09 PM
i'm a gal, and strangely enough i notice hands (and feet if they're visable) that's what i notice first about other girls too, and this is not just people i may be attracted to, it's everyone, i tend to use people's hands as a judge of caracter.
Monday, March 12, 2007, 12:31 AM
I'm a girl and I usually look at a man's height, eyes and mouth, then the hair, then if his shoulder's are broad, and finally if he has a flat stomach or a beer belly (I'm attracted to skinny men!)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 4:16 PM
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