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Loose skin improved with skin brushing?
Anyone have any experience with skin brushing? I heard somewhere that loose skin remaining after weight loss can be tightened by skin brushing regularly. Does this really work?
Fri. Mar 9, 10:40am
DUH...what world are you in? Nothing can get rid of loose hangy skin after losing a large amount of weight. The skin has been stretched and if you lost the weight fast without exercise it is probably worse. You could get it cut off.
Friday, March 9, 2007, 6:33 PM
Sorry, I've only read that skin brushing helps with circulation before and as you lose weight. I can't imagine it would help help tighten loose skin that's already hanging. ?
Friday, March 9, 2007, 6:54 PM
Actually, I've been doing this because I think it is likely to help, a little. I lost a lot of weight already, and the skin did tighten up, but SO slowly! (and what is the point of losing weight if you end up looking flabbier?!) I still have stretch marks but they diminish too over time. Clearly there is some mechanism by which your skin recognizes whether it has a solid layer under it or if it is "too loose". Whatever that mechanism is, you gotta figure extra blood flow will help the process. That's what I think the brushing accomplishes -- gets more oxygen and more immune cells into the area to help tidy up. But the main thing I think is patience. Of course, the big 100+ losers may need surgical help, the rest of us just need to be patient.
Sunday, March 11, 2007, 12:52 PM
What type of brush do you reccomend?
Sunday, March 11, 2007, 5:34 PM
I am bringing this post up again because I am trying to find some non surgical way to tighten up the skin around my abs. I have had three children and I am losing weight but noticing that I have a defalted balloon that wants to hang down in front now. Is this brushing that was mentioned going to work or anything else? I really don't want any form of surgery to accomplish this goal...
Monday, July 21, 2008, 1:25 PM
Your age and the amount of weight matters. If you are young and you didn't gain an excessive amount of weight, time will help. But, don't expect to get back the belly you had before kids. It is just plain reality. A combination of skin creams that contain copper peptides, DMAE, and Vitamin C will help and being properly nourished with these things will. BUT, everything takes time and age and weight gain are important. The older you are, you can forget it. Once you hit around menopause, everything starts falling to the ground no matter what you do, :(
Good luck.
Monday, July 21, 2008, 2:26 PM
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