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Help! Very strange taste in my mouth!!!
Lately my mouth tastes like I've been sucking on batteries. Very acidic taste and drinking more water doesn't help.
What is this?
I eat fairly healthy, exercise 5-6 times a week, drink water, take a prenatal vitamin and that's about it.
Any ideas? Should I see a doc?
Thu. Mar 8, 7:23pm
I had this problem when I took my calories down below 1200/day w/ lots of exercise. I don't know what causes it, but I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. Solution was to stop starving myself -- I end up losing weight at the same rate b/c my metabolism comes up.
Thursday, March 8, 2007, 8:14 PM
Are you doing low-carb, like Atkins or similar? Those diets are notorious for making your mouth taste funky. I think it's called "ketosis breath".
Thursday, March 8, 2007, 9:23 PM
check out this website from the may clinic. They list a number of reasons, one of them being prenatal vitamins.
Friday, March 9, 2007, 8:18 AM
You may be pregnant! I just read in a book today that that taste is one of the first signs you may be pregnant. It could be something else, but don't rule this out :)
Friday, March 9, 2007, 3:15 PM
I assume the OP is pregant, since she's taking prenatal vitamins. Is that a bad assumption?
Friday, March 9, 2007, 3:45 PM
ALL assumptions are bad. some women take the prenatal vitamins for a long time before even trying to become pregnant.
Friday, March 9, 2007, 4:04 PM
hope this will prove to be helpful. this is a link to a website called wrong diagnosis and outlines some common reasons for all kinds of differently identified "bad tastes".
Friday, March 9, 2007, 4:08 PM
I'm the OP
No, I'm not pregnant. I was, and now have a 1 year old. I never stopped taking the prenatal pill because of what it does to my hair, skin, and nails and we may decide to have another child. I haven't had any adverse affects, but the metallic, battery taste comes and goes. Come to think of it, I've only noticed it the last year. I haven't taken my pill yet, I normally do late afternoon or after dinner. I'm going to see if it starts up again once I take it. Thanks for the suggestions!
Friday, March 9, 2007, 4:44 PM
Help! Very strange taste in my mouth!!!
I found this comment on the URL posted below:
Blood cells contain hemoglobin which carries oxygen. When blood breaks down, iron is released and causes a metallic taste in mouth. Bleeding can be from the gums, sinuses or nose. The taste can get especially bad when someone has post nasal drip and the dried blood sticks to the back of the throat. If bleeding gums are the cause there is often bad breath associated with the bad taste.
Another uncommon reason for a metallic taste in mouth is due to small electric currents in the mouth. When two types of metals are used in two different dental fillings a battery can be created. Some believe that it's due to the mercury leakage from dental silver/mercury fillings.
Many oral or IV medications such as thyroid medicine, penicillin, and lithium can give a metallic taste in mouth. When someone is allergic to a specific food, the food can often be detected even in extremely small amounts. Food allergies, such as with sulfur dioxide, can also cause this. Some gastrointestinal disorders can be aggravated by food allergies and cause burping, dry mouth, thirst, rectal itching and a metal taste. High protein diets can cause benign dietary ketosis. This has also been associated with a metal taste.
Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or cancer itself can cause a metallic taste in mouth. It has also been associated with B 12 deficiency, zinc deficiency, Bell's palsy, Strep throat and Sjogren's disease along with anything that causes dry mouth. The dentists at the Atlanta Dental Group PC are dedicated to their patients' good health and well being. You are welcome to join our family of patients. If you are having dental problems and would like to consult with Atlanta Family Dentist, Dr. Mark Allan Padolsky, make an appointment at 404-874-7428.
Friday, November 7, 2008, 1:55 PM
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