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Is it possible that my clothes shrank?

I know I've lost weight but some of my jeans still don't fit. Do they shrink over time? I know they're cotton, but wondering if jeans keep their shape or shrink like a t-shirt does.

Tue. Nov 1, 4:55pm

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I find that if I dry my jeans they feel like they go down 2 plus sizes. I stopped drying them and now they fit everytime I wash them. I hope this works for you

Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 8:26 PM

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Yes! It is soooo possible. Jeans are cotton and just like anything else, they will shrink. Don't get too discouraged and try on a dress or dress pants so that you can see the difference.

Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 7:44 AM

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Are these old jeans? I don't know if anyone else notices this but I have several pairs of old pants, clothes for that matter, that say they are the same size as I am now and they are too big. It seems to me that sizes get smaller every year or so. My size 12 pants are not the same as a size 12 pants today. Having worked in the clothing industry I know they do alter sizes. I just wondered if anyone else has had this experience?

Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 10:50 AM

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Sorry! I was just able to come back and check on this. Yes, they are old jeans. And in my experience, sizes have actually gotten bigger. (banana republic, ann taylor). I thought they did this so that we all buy more clothes!

Monday, November 7, 2005, 12:32 PM

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my jeans shrank - can they be stretched back to original size?

yes, they can be returned to orignal length. wash in cold water, hang upside down, clamp the leg ends flat, with weight attached to waist, see the url below for details. get back 2 inches of length in the legs or more! It works! nothing to buy, just use stuff on hand. see the webarticle


Friday, February 1, 2008, 1:43 PM

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Good friggin God this is thread is over 2 years old! Who goes looking for this crap????

Friday, February 1, 2008, 5:27 PM

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