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New mom question
I never had trouble with my weight before I was pregnant but now that I'm 2 mos pp, I think it's time to get the weight off. I have about 15 extra pounds. I am breastfeeding. Any suggestions? Can I do this safely in 3 months?
Tue. Nov 1, 4:20pm
Five pounds a month is a very realistic and achievable goal. I know a lot of members advocate Weight Watchers. If you're not exercising regularly, you will probably need to start. It's just good for you anyway and you will need to be strong and have extra energy with a new baby. You won'tl want to do anything that will have any negative effects on your breastfeeding. Maybe talk to your doctor too.
Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 5:05 PM
Lots of Walking, Water and Portion Control!
Right after delivery I lost most of my pregnancy weight by going for long walks, watching my portion size and drinking lots and lots of water.
If you want a more specific plan I recomend doing Body for Life. It was great to have time to work out, see my muscles firm up, and at the same time know I was getting plenty of nutritous food so my milk was not going to dry up.
I started BFL after my babies were 6months old and they both nursed past 18months so it really did not affect my milk supply...if anything it gave me more energy and patience.
Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 5:17 PM
Calorie guideline
I've tried several "group diet" programs, and they all give a figure of 500 calories for the extra amount you need daily when breastfeeding. Some advocate consuming all 500 calories on top of whatever you normally consume when dieting (1200-1500, then +500), while others recommend more like 300 calories extra.
Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 6:32 PM
Well the good news is breastfeeding usually burns around 500 calories a day and that is a very good way to help the weight come off. Since you will be dieting I would suggest you start taking a multivitamin or take over the counter prenatal vitamins. My best suggestion would to be walk anywhere you can everytime you can. Drink plenty of water and watch soda and other sugar intake. The most imoportant thing is to excercise and most times you can do many excercises with your baby. Even just walking around the house for so many minutes or so many steps a day will help. Let us know how you're doing.
Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 8:19 PM
This is all fantastic news to me! I'm wondering if the 300 vs.500 calories will reduce my milk supply. I guess I have to try it and see. Thanx again!
Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 1:09 PM
Reducing calories won't affect youf milk supply. Your baby does that. The more he is on the boob the more milk you produce. You do want to make sure your eating healthy though if you do reduce your calories. I go to WW and I know a lot of nursing moms do to. In fact my group leader does maintenance, but she's been doing WW for 9 years and during that time has had 3 babies all nursing.
Thursday, November 3, 2005, 1:53 AM
Nursing and Weight Watchers
I was doing Wwers before I got pregnant and was doing maintenance so I following the nursing program the whole time I was pregnant with extra allowable when I was genuinely hungry but was still really picky about what I was feeding "us". I gained 40 pounds and was back down to my pre-preg weight when my piglet was 5 months old. I added my extra calories in with a bagel w/cheese and and extra glass of milk a day.
Water, water, water it is so important to stay hydrated when nursing!
As far as exercise....I strapped the kid on in a front pack and walked every day going and extra block each day til I was doing 2 miles round trip a day.
Friday, November 4, 2005, 10:27 AM
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