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Bathroom scales

I've been on three different scales this morning, with three very different results.

Can anyone recommend a good bathroom scale that just works? I don't need body fat analyzers or anything like that, but I would like it to read my weight correctly.

How frustrating!

If you could, post links to the scale on Amazon or something like that so others can benefit.

Thu. Mar 8, 7:56am

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I just bought a weight watchers scale. I too have had different results on different scales. I paid 45.00. I am just going to stick with this one.

Thursday, March 8, 2007, 8:06 AM

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Health O Meter

I bought my scale from Walmart about 6 weeks ago. It's nothing fancy just a simple digital scale, but I've found it to be conistent in the readings! I tested just about every scale they had in the store before purchasing it and this is the only one (in my price range) that gave me the same reading every time I stepped on it.

I checked Walmart's website and they don't have the scale I purchased online so I've included the website to Health O Meter ... this is the exact scale I bought, but I think it was a little cheaper at Walmart.


Thursday, March 8, 2007, 8:49 AM

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From the OP

I'm seriously considering spending top dollar for a scale. After a review on Amazon, I found you can get a highly-rated doctor-type balance beam scale for under $200.

While that sounds like a lot, I've spent about 2/3 that in scales over the last three years. I've included the link below.


Thursday, March 8, 2007, 9:42 AM

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If you have room for it, I'd get the balance-type scale.
Seriously, I went through 3 different step-on scales, none of them cheap, and it's not that they don't agree with each other, it's that each doesn't even agree with ITSELF. I can get results that are 5 pounds different in the same 2 minutes, without changing conditions at all.

Thursday, March 8, 2007, 10:43 AM

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It's beginning to sound like the right way to go.

Some might find this trivial, however, I find it fairly crucial.

I'm trying to hit a certain BMI, regardless of whether my weight is mostly muscle or mostly fat for that range (obviously, I'd like to be more muscle than fat but not a bodybuilder). If I'm using a scale that's five pounds off, that's not acceptable.

And, if you're trying to measure your body fat, you still need to know how much you weigh, where accuracy is even more of a factor.

Seems to me that if you're serious about your health, a great scale is a must.

- The OP

Thursday, March 8, 2007, 11:44 AM

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A really easy way to check the accuracy of any scale-a cheap one or otherwise is to take a dumbell (5 or 10 lbs at least works best) and "weigh" it. If it doesn't weigh what it is supposed to, adjust accordingly and then get yourself back on the scale. the number you see now is your correct weight!

Thursday, March 8, 2007, 11:57 AM

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Are bathroom scales that accurate at such a low amount of weight?

Thursday, March 8, 2007, 12:06 PM

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As long as you use the same scale, I'm not sure that it matters

If you put three scales beside each other and weigh yourself one right after the other with different results, it doesn't mean that you weigh more or less. The important thing is that the scale is consistent and that you use the it under roughly the same conditions eaxh time (time of day, clothes, etc). Everything is relative.

Do you weigh less if you weigh yourself in kilograms instead of pounds?

What's frustrating is when you step on and off the same scale three times in a row and get three different weights. Throw that scale away!

Thursday, March 8, 2007, 5:14 PM

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I bought a scale that they were usin gon the Today show during an Al Roker weight loss segment. It is by a company called Tanits, they are supposed to be good & I have had much luck with mine just keep it on a flat surface, no carpet, and refrain from moving it too much.


Thursday, March 8, 2007, 7:07 PM

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To 5:14 p.m. poster:

You don't think it matters to know how much you actually weigh?

Friday, March 9, 2007, 7:31 AM

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5:14 poster here

No, I don't think it matters how much I actualy weigh. What matters is how I look and feel. Weight is just a number.

In fact, I think it's better to be heavy and fit than thin and unfit. Of course too much weight implies a lack of fitness anyway. But numbers say different things for different poeple and different situations.

Friday, March 9, 2007, 4:16 PM

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i agree about the numbers not being so important. it's kinda like measuring how long your hair is to determine if it needs to be cut. it depends on how you carry your weight and how fit you feel. and that your weight, as reflected on your scale, behaves according to your exercise / eating routine. it should accurately tell you if you've gained, maintained or lost.

Friday, March 9, 2007, 4:39 PM

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