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Water water water

I live in a very cold climate, and drinking glass after glass of water, even room temperture water, makes me cold, especially in the work place.

Do you think herbal tea is a good replacement for water? Or should I just be sipping hot water? That does not appeal to me very much.


Wed. Mar 7, 1:37pm

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Why are you drinking glass after glass of water?

Wednesday, March 7, 2007, 1:38 PM

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Try adding a slice of lemon to the hot water. I never liked sipping hot water to begin with, but I found it wasn't so bad--and warmed me up.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007, 1:43 PM

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i drink a lot of tea. i also started having a glass of hot water with lemon steeped in it in the morning. i read it is beneficial and thought i'd try it. it makes me feel healthy, but i'm pretty sure that "feeling" is more of a thought. as i understand the recommendations for water intake, any drink that has water as it's main base, ie: tea, decaf coffee, flavored waters, even lemonade, is going to contribute to your toatl daily water intake. it's just the additives that make a difference, in taste and calories and sugar...

Wednesday, March 7, 2007, 1:46 PM

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OP here, to 1:38, I am not literally drinking glass after glass. But I try to have 6 to 8 glasses per day

I guess I should brink lemon slices to work

Wednesday, March 7, 2007, 2:07 PM

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drinking tea is just as good, if not better, for your body than drinking plain water. You're getting water plus some of the many health benefits that herbal teas offer. Your body can extract water from foods, drinks etc to make up your total water needs for the day. Don't feel like you need to get it just from drinking plain water. Dress it up and enjoy decaffinated brewed tea (hot or iced) as caffeine is a diuretic , add a packet of low sugar or diet hot chocolate (not the greatest option but better than nothing for those who can't stand drinking plain water), dilute 1/2 a glass of 100% juice with water (not the sugary stuff).

Here's some similar suggestions.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007, 2:49 PM

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