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Closet shopping vs. whole new wardrobe?

For me the weight loss turning point was when I no longer fit into my size 12 clothes. I knew I didn't want to buy bigger clothes and had lots of awesome things in my office that I no longer could wear. So, losing weight has been about re-discovering my closet. Kinda feels like shopping for free some days, and is awesome. I only buy new things like t-shirts, summer pants, etc.

A woman in my office has lost close to 50 lbs and has basically had to buy a whole new wardrobe...she is psyched that she is now in Lane Bryant's smallest size!...and it is so fun to see her enjoying looking great in what is basically a new body for her along with cute new clothes.

I know there have been threads in the past on clothes, but I'm wondering how the community reflects these two positons. On one hand there is me, someone with lots of clothes in the closet that I just need to fit back into (and I'm getting there!). On the other hand there is my co-worker, for whom losing weight is gaining a whole new body and a new wardrobe to match.


Wed. Mar 7, 10:37am

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Going shopping for new clothes is a constant reward for me. Frankly, none of my old clothes fit - I was a size 8 for about 10 years and am now a zero. Even stuff I LOVED I had to get rid of because it was 4 sizes too big.

BUT, there is one pants that I used to have that never quite fit and I got rid of years ago thinking "I guess I will never fit into these pants." I wish I had those back.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007, 11:00 AM

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Keep your favorites of your former wardrobe. Shop too. When you like what you look like, you often become more successful.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007, 1:37 PM

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I hate to shop

So finding something in my closet that I can wear again is a much better way to go for me... and it's free.

Of course, if those old clothes are out of style, that's another thing.

I put on my wedding dress about a month ago and it fits, after 16 years. But it is soooo out of style... big shoulders. I laughed and stuck in back in the closet. Will big shoulders ever come back?

Thursday, March 8, 2007, 5:20 PM

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hehe, 2010 (3 years since pp), shoulder pads have come back... we may be headed there

Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 10:09 PM

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