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victoria's secret

thses models really impress me. they are not stick skinny and heroin-addicted looking. would you pose for one of their catalogs? i know there was a question about playboy a whlie ago, but this is not nude photos. however, i have seeen the catalogs at friends' where there are no women and the catalogs are in the bathroom. i wonder if people regard them the same as a playboy?

Mon. Mar 5, 10:22am

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I know for a fact that some guys use them the same as Playboy, but then again they use Maxim and Cosmo too. I was a little surprised at how many of my male friends generally prefer looking at women with a little bit of clothing on - they say it's most tantalizing to imagine her taking it off than seeing it all in front of them... Sorry if that's TMI.

Having said that - yes! I would so pose for Victoria's Secret if I looked that good. And that is very much the body type I am looking to acheive - 30 pounds down and 10 to go (and those are the toughest - ugh!). I want to be slender, but not bony.

Monday, March 5, 2007, 10:52 AM

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if I looked like those Brazillian babes I would probably be tempted to not only pose for fashion spreads...I would also be tempted to run around naked all the time and bask in the glory of my body!

while I do think objectifying beauty is an issue, there is no denying unique, standout beauty sometimes. And, although I am slightly jealous that my bf has gazed at pics of Adriana Lima (Brazilian VS model) I can't really say I blame him!

Monday, March 5, 2007, 10:52 AM

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who is this victoria, anyway?

Monday, March 5, 2007, 4:51 PM

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it's a secret...

Tuesday, March 6, 2007, 8:53 AM

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just today a client of mine said her husband said VS is a poor mans playboy!!! you get the catalog for free!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007, 6:11 PM

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I hear the same goes for the Sears and JC Penny catalog too... Which actually somehow creeps me out more than Playboy.

Friday, March 16, 2007, 4:17 AM

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model writing :o)

when my career took off, I was warned that some of my photos, editorials, etc. may be taken "pornographically" and that some people, not only men, might exploit the material.

To each his own. I don't see a catalog as Playboy, but we models are hot hot caliente hot! and I can see how people can get off on that. Fantasy.

Friday, March 16, 2007, 2:49 PM

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