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Good Cheap Wines?

One of my group members asked about wine ideas (he is trying to drink less beer) and I thought this would be a good community thread. Because I want more ideas!!

this was my response:

Liberty School is a house favorite. It is a California Cab, and runs about $15. Parelle 45 is a Cotes Du Rhone, I think about 8 or 9 bucks and is a very solid wine. There any many Argentinan and Chilean reds that are very affordable, and you can experiment with those. Los Vascos and Los Vascos Reserve are favorites. If you want a good white idea, the Kris Pinot Grigio ($13) is the best white bang for the buck on the planet. Sancerre is a favorite as well, but you will pay over $18 for any of them.

Sat. Mar 3, 9:52am

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I really prefer Italian wines, but the Californian brand Livingston Cellars is decent, and inexpensive. All that I have tried from Livingston Cellars I have liked, and it is cheaper than the Italians


Saturday, March 3, 2007, 10:27 AM

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I usually find the $10-$15 Australian Shirazes (wow, that looks weird pluralized) tastier than the $30 bottles of their French equivalent, the Syrah.

My favorite non-French champagne/sparkling is Lindauer from New Zealand - not terribly easy to find, but not impossible. Usually around $10 a bottle, wonderful flavor on its own or in a champagne cocktail.

Passing on advice from an Englishman who lived in Spain for many years: if you want a cheap red, go Spanish (e.g. Rioja) because it's very palatable and, in his experience, less likely to make you sick.

Saturday, March 3, 2007, 11:07 AM

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A good, inexpensive red wine is a Zinfandel by Bogle. You can find it at grocery stores along with specialty shops.

Sunday, March 4, 2007, 10:17 AM

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My favorite cheap red is Barefoot Zinfandel; they also make a good Chardonnay. Stay away from their Merlot, it's terrible! This is not classy, cultured wine, it's grocery store wine, around $6 a bottle. But, it tastes good! Please note, I am not a wine snob, obviously. I probably wouldn't know a truly good bottle if it bit me in the @$$!

Sunday, March 4, 2007, 10:17 AM

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I found this list on craigslist, these wines are all under 10$

Bordeaux...Mouton Cadet Red 2003
Cabernet Sauvignon...Montes 2005
Chardonnay...Michal Pozzan Russian River 2005
Gewurtztraminer...Columbia Winery 2005
Malbec...Montes Reserve 2005
Merlot...Black Oak 2004
Pinot Noir...Pepper Grove 2004
Riesling...Chateau Sainte Michelle 2006
Shiraz...Columbia Crest Grand Estates 2003
Zinfandel...Trinity Oaks 2003

Sunday, March 4, 2007, 1:41 PM

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