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For those who practice yoga regularly...

Lately, I've been really getting annoyed & upset with so many things around me and little things are especially adding up to make me angry.

For those who have been in similar situations, has yoga helped you? Have other things helped you?

I think I'm stressing myself out WAY too much about little annoyances, that it may creep into other areas of my life. I don't want to be bitter, angry, and negative all the time.

Fri. Mar 2, 1:19pm

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cutting out sugar and coffee has helped me stay calm and cool immeasurably. yoga helps, but cutting out refined sugar made me a whole new person.

Friday, March 2, 2007, 1:41 PM

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I felt that way too for all of last year - started taking anti-depressants and it made a world of difference within two weeks.

Friday, March 2, 2007, 7:50 PM

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yeah-that is why i started to take yoga, because of anxiety and also because i have trouble getting upset/angry over the stupidest things. it has helped me tremendously-not just while in class, but also outside in my regular life. i now resort to a lot of slow, deep breathing when i feel stressed or overwhelmed and it really does take me down a couple of notches. i'm sleeping better, and my muscles are longer, and stronger. overall yoga has made me feel better in so many ways.

i've actually been so pent up with stress and anxiety that i've burst into tears at the end of class during savasana, or relaxation pose without meaning to and it was extremely cathartic (more than once!). I thought i was the only person who did that, and was sort of mortified even though no one saw or knew, but then a teacher casually mentioned at the end of one class that crying is a completely normal and common reaction because your body is healing in some way. phew-good to know i'm not a freak.

okay, so i've gone on a little tangent here-yoga may or may not work for you, but it can't hurt to try it (and i agree with the other poster who said cutting out caffine and sugar may help too, anything is possible). find a teacher, a book or some dvd's (i recommend the first two over the last one) that you like and please try it out for at least a month to see some benefits. a really good teacher should make you feel relaxed/calm during the whole class even when you are working your body physically hard. you will know when you've found the right teacher/class. good luck-i hope you can get your anger and annoyances under control!

Friday, March 2, 2007, 8:57 PM

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who cares? you are an idiot!

Friday, March 2, 2007, 11:36 PM

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jogging/intense cardio. That's what helps me relax. If I haven't worked out for a while I notice I'm way more irritable and prone to stress.

Also however, if I eat wheat I get really cranky and irritable.

But admittedly diary writing helps too....

Saturday, March 3, 2007, 10:55 PM

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to the 3/2 @ 8:57 poster - amen, sister. you've described my experience exactly. I would try yoga for longer than a month, though. :) I've actually felt really happy after a class. If you knew me 2 years ago, hardly anything would wrench a naturally happy blissful state out of me. I do Vinyasa Yoga. For me, it is physically demanding, which is why I like it.

Sunday, March 4, 2007, 12:30 PM

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As a practicing Buddist I have tried doing meditation - watching different thoughts rise up in the mind and constantly being scattered in hundred different directions = and recognizing the thought. What is interesting is as they are acknowlegded the scattered thoughts die leaving you fairly focused and blank (if that is the right word). This was done is the quiet first.

Afterwards, it becomes easier to recognize my own reactions (which is what all those angry outbursts are) and chose my actions rather than let the reaction come out. You would not believe what a liberating experience this is.

Even if you are able to do this only once a day where you say - oh I see my child putting his full mug on the floor for the 10th time today where I know he will kick it as he gets up. My usual reaction is to yell at him but since last 9 times that hasn't helped maybe I should just pull that coffeed table a foot over to where he is so that he has no choice but to put the mug on it.

Sunday, March 4, 2007, 6:52 PM

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