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OT - Car Insurance

My car insurance has come up for renewal and I have started calling around trying to compare/save money. What I'm wondering is what insurance people are using and if you have anything good or bad to say about them. So far esurance has the lowest rates that I've found (by about $250) But I don't know anything about them, their reputation etc. Any thoughts?

Thu. Mar 1, 11:50pm

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I have Amica and I really like them. They're more personal than other companies I've had (Progressive, Geico) and actually were great at answering questions in a way I could understand. They've also won some awards for their customer satisfaction levels. I've never had to submit claims to any of the three companies I've had, though (knock on wood), so I'm not sure about how well they handle claims.

Friday, March 2, 2007, 9:27 AM

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I have Amica and I really like them. They're more personal than other companies I've had (Progressive, Geico) and actually were great at answering questions in a way I could understand. They've also won some awards for their customer satisfaction levels. I've never had to submit claims to any of the three companies I've had, though (knock on wood), so I'm not sure about how well they handle claims.

Friday, March 2, 2007, 9:27 AM

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I have Amica and I really like them. They're more personal than other companies I've had (Progressive, Geico) and actually were great at answering questions in a way I could understand. They've also won some awards for their customer satisfaction levels. I've never had to submit claims to any of the three companies I've had, though (knock on wood), so I'm not sure about how well they handle claims.

Friday, March 2, 2007, 9:27 AM

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i use progressive they are great!

Saturday, March 3, 2007, 7:36 AM

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i use progressive they are great!

Saturday, March 3, 2007, 7:36 AM

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i use progressive they are great!

Saturday, March 3, 2007, 7:36 AM

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I have Geico and about 4 years ago I had a big car accident- $3000 of damage to my almost new car. Completely my fault. (Merging into two lanes from three) They were great about processing my claim, provided me a rental car for 6 weeks, and my car looked great after being fixed. The oddest thing happened- my rates did not increase after the accident. I was pleased that when I needed support, I got it.

Saturday, March 3, 2007, 8:23 AM

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I have Geico and about 4 years ago I had a big car accident- $3000 of damage to my almost new car. Completely my fault. (Merging into two lanes from three) They were great about processing my claim, provided me a rental car for 6 weeks, and my car looked great after being fixed. The oddest thing happened- my rates did not increase after the accident. I was pleased that when I needed support, I got it.

Saturday, March 3, 2007, 8:23 AM

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I have Geico and about 4 years ago I had a big car accident- $3000 of damage to my almost new car. Completely my fault. (Merging into two lanes from three) They were great about processing my claim, provided me a rental car for 6 weeks, and my car looked great after being fixed. The oddest thing happened- my rates did not increase after the accident. I was pleased that when I needed support, I got it.

Saturday, March 3, 2007, 8:23 AM

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