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Has someone ever told you...

That you can't do something that you really wanted? I am a student and I want to do a course over the summer but the secretary said they do not let kids like me do that. i just feel so discouraged, I gave in and started eating chocolate.
I was so sure before I could advance but now she makes me doubt myself. What do you guys think about people like that? Have you ever been told u can't do it, and then gone ahead was it a mistake or the best thing you could've done?

Tue. Feb 27, 7:53pm

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They don't let "kids like you" do that? What's that all about?

That secretary is just that... a secretary. If you want to do it, go over his/her head. What do you have to lose? Don't let one person discourage you! Even if it still doesn't work out, you'll know that you tried.

Good luck!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 8:00 PM

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Yeah, you want to talk to the undergraduate advisor, or student advisor if you are in high school, and get some idea of what you need to do to take the course.

Usually it is a question of having the prerequisites -- it's a bad idea to take Calculus before you've taken basic Algebra, for instance. Sometimes advancing means taking one step at a time.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 8:13 PM

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Well, have you ever noticed that it's the ones who *don't* follow rules that get what they want? Go for it, and even if you fail, you'll learn from the experience for the next time you need to go to bat for something you really want.

Absolutely go see the teacher of the course, the head of department, the admissions director, anyone but the secretary. Be prepared with arguments stronger than "I'm really dedicated" - if you're going to make those claims, have examples/proof to offer. First step: see if one of your existing instructors would be willing to support your position before approaching the higher-ups.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 8:16 PM

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that's a horrible thing for her to say!! you can be/do whatever you want, if you put your mind to it. don't listen to that negativity. find out how you can take the class & say something to her superior about the way she spoke to you. you do NOT deserve that.
at least you realize your choclate eating was just stress eating...try to learn from it & use a different coping tool next time :) easier said than done..i know!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 9:17 PM

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I'm sorry "kids like me" WTF is that? This coming from a secretary? What is that supposed to mean? And how dare she talk to anyone like that. You should let her know what a shitty thing that was to say to you and that you are not going to let her little mind discourage you. I would be pissed, I am pissed and it didnt' even happen to someone I know. Don't let anyone tell you you can't do something. We can all do anything we want as long as we try and put our minds to it.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 9:26 PM

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Are you a college student? I had a horrible time dealing with administration - I was always treated like a child and had to have my mother call to sort things out because it was assumed my parents were paying the bill (they weren't, I was, hence the blood-boiling frustration). As much as I totally believe in fighting your own battles, if all else fails and it's worth a little blow to your pride, pick whichever parent has the more intimidating tone of voice and creative problem solving skills and have them take care of it.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 10:17 PM

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Wow, thank you for all your comments! To clear things up, when i said "kids like you" I meant, average student, in order to do the course one would have to be able to pick things up fast to catch up and not many people can do it.
I am meeting with my advisor tomorrow to give me all what i need to do and what would be required. Hopefully i can get in . I am late for the start of the course so like what the secretary meant, i would have to move fast.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007, 12:20 AM

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This is truly maddening. I hate the whole concept of average student. Not everyone learns in the same way and to brand a youth average is to cut off potential.

You clearly aren't going to let that happen, OP, and I commend you for it!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2007, 1:25 PM

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Honey, You gotta let your theme in life be " I get knocked down but I get up again" I went back to college after having a stroke to become a teacher I foolishly told her I had a stroke and sometimes had trouble spelling big mistake! She told me forget about teaching ! Gave me a C when I had a B average You know what I did? I prayed and found another way. I transfered to another college and today I am a Certified Teacher. When a door is slammed in your face look for another way out maybe a window. You could have asked someone else. Asked the professor if you could monitor the class for no credit go to the dean of students. But maybe you are being led in another direction something better. Next time you are upset try doing something like taking a walk. Writing on peer trainer. Eating something low cal you like. Everything is going to be OK!

Saturday, March 3, 2007, 8:15 AM

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