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How do you deal with stress on an ongoing basis? Yoga? Meditation? I would love to hear everyone's stress busters....
Tue. Feb 27, 3:59pm
Good solid exercise routine, eating healthfully and plenty of sleep, sleep, sleep. Nothing works better for me than sleep. Talking to someone about anything in general or whatever the stress is really helps to. Even if it is my dog I'm talking to...
Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 4:53 PM
Stand up straight, place your hands by your side and inhale deeply through the nose, exhale slowly through the nose. Repeat 3 times.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 5:23 PM
Bitch and moan in my PT log.
Binge eat.
Promiscous sex.
They aren't positive outlets, but it gets me through those bad times.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 5:34 PM
I'm striving for less bitching and moaning, less binge eating, and more promiscuous sex! Or at least more sex.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 5:46 PM
Sleep is key...if I'm sleeping enough, it takes a lot more to get me to the point where I'm stressed out.
More exercise.
Writing it down.
And, in the realm of not productive but sometimes damned satisfying, breaking cheap plates from WalMart or Target. I can't explain why, but there's nothing like smashing some stuff on the sidewalk to (a) make your neighbors think you're nuts and (b) make you laugh.
Sex is also great, whether alone or with others. (I am of the firm belief that 'alone' counts just as much.)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 5:48 PM
Exercise is my relief. If I skip one or two workouts in a week I can feel my stress level increase...
Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 6:00 PM
Praying and reflecting back on my life gets me through. Sometimes i sit and take inventory of my life from my family, friends, health, shelter work etc...and i began to thank God for allowing me to have all these things because it could be worse.
Sunday, March 4, 2007, 10:04 PM
I used to just let it all build up til I got physically sick and would break down. However, since Sept I've made a resolution and been working out daily (with few exceptions) during the workweek right after work. I cannot describe what that has done for my state of mind as well as my body. The first few really bad days I almost skipped the gym - really, really didn't want to go anywhere but hole up in the comfort of my home, but I went, I worked out, and when I left I was sweaty, tired (in the good way) and had my day in perspective. Now if I'm having a bad day I can take it because I know the gym is waiting for me and I will feel 100x better afterwards.
That's what I do for work stress, which is fortunately the bulk of my stress. I can talk with the husband about that too, but I like to do so only after working out these days because I can be more objective about it, and he listens better when I am calmer and doesn't go into 'protective' mode. However if I am having relationship stress or family stress, the best thing I can do is get together with some girlfriends for a few glasses of wine and some good ole' fashioned b*tching :D
and definitely more sex :-)
Sunday, March 4, 2007, 11:03 PM
If I'm sad, I go swimming... there's something about gliding through the water that is freeing to me... if I'm cranky or mad, I crank up the "female power" songs (Since you've been gone, I love myself today, U and Ur hand, maneater, etc.) and run. The more I workout, the less stress I notice.
However, I also do better when I write in my diary regularly. And I'll echo the previous poster about getting enough sleep. But sleep at night when I should be, not napping to avoid thinking/dealing with stress... that doesn't actually help.
And you know, breaking plates can be a great thing! Anything that lets you be "violent" or aggressive without hurting anyone can be good and healthy... but I usually beat a tennis ball against a wall and imagine it's someone...
Sunday, March 4, 2007, 11:27 PM
i love to eat something deep fried and fatty when i'm stressed. i think it gives me some sort of comfort.
exercise is great. getting on a treadmill or a bike or whatever and thinking about what is stressing me gives me a GREAT workout.
i definitely need to have more sex anyway, so i'm going to try that next time.
Monday, March 5, 2007, 6:39 AM
if my mind allows me to, i like to do yoga because it slows me down and forces me to concentrate in order to get into the poses. i highly recommend it.
Monday, March 5, 2007, 6:40 AM
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