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OT - Down today

I feel lousy - emotionally, physically, etc. Weekend argument with dh, long week at work, and morning ear-beating by my boss. I need a pick-me-up. Suggestions?

Tue. Feb 27, 12:13pm

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Go for a walk, go shopping, do a crafty project (make a card for someone), play a game online (I recommend Text Twist), plan to veg out later, go out for a great healthy lunch (salads are better when someone else makes them)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 12:18 PM

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Walk! Breathe deep, listen to some of your favorite relaxing music. Call a friend who always makes you laugh.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 12:21 PM

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Get a massage - whether it's a 10-minute backrub in a chair at a salon or the whole shebang. Lots of feelgood chemicals will flood your mind and body.

Go see a movie - pure escapism, ignore the world...but skip the Milk Duds.

Do something child-like - my favorite is to go to a park and swing on a swing. It takes me right back to a more carefree time. Hopefully you live somewhere with decent weather.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 12:33 PM

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Eat chocolate cake!!!! (jk)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 1:48 PM

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Do you have some gal pals you could grab? That always lifts me up more than anything. We go for a walk, coffee or sometimes happy hour, but just getting out with the girls and being able to tap into that friendship and support helps me keep my sanity. Even if all I do is listen to their problems (though they're always there for me). Somehow venting to dh doesn't have the same effect. Us girls keep each other going.

If none of my friends is available we usually plan an outing for later in the week and I hit the gym or the garden (depending on what time of year it is). Having that to look forward to helps me keep a better outlook and roll with it better when I hit the bumps in the road. My husband takes me out at the end of each week too and that has the same effect. I love having our friday date to look forward to (and it doesn't have to cost a lot or be fancy).

I can do solo activities, but nothing helps me when I'm down like my friends. Best wishes!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 2:29 PM

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Well, thanks for the suggestions. 1 - yes, the chocolate did help my mood, but made my stomach worse. 2, no girl pals - my best friend moved to Florida shortly after I moved back to the area. 3, I haven't done anything solo since we got married...I can't imagine going somewhere without my husband - we're always together. I think everything will be okay, we usually have a couple rocky days on weeks that I have to work a weekend too. I just need to deal with things better...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 2:53 PM

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I just wanted to say thanks for posting this...I feel down a lot too, and I'm the person that's "always there" for others and who people go to for advice. (Seriously. I hide from them in my office and they find me and ask me for advice. Or at least to do my impression of our boss.)

But it's hard when the only person around to talk to is someone you see all the time, whether it's your hubby or the SAME coworker or even your best friend. It's not just 'dealing with things better,' sometimes things stink. And it helps to just get it out there...and there are, via the internet, a whole lot of people listening to you! We're not your best friends, but we're all here to try and lead better lives, and that's what you're doing, too. So if something's happening that's distracting you from that, you should feel like it's okay to talk about it.

(I am one of those folks that HAS to have a little bit of time to myself each day, it makes me appreciate the people I'm with even more. And so I go to a movie alone (that _I_ get to pick!) or a buy a new book (or get one out of the library) and read for a while someplace quiet or read some of my favorite poetry--I really like Seamus Heaney. Sometimes I just listen to some really sad music, cry for a bit, and then feel better...the crying is like popping a blister. Hurts for a minute, and then is SOOO much better.)

Sorry, maybe that's TMI.

But hope you are feeling better soon--I"m having a rotten day, too, and that's why I'm posting istead of grading my students' papers!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 5:43 PM

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Well, DH and I worked things out. I feel a lot better today, although I know that the problem isn't behind us. My dh is my world, and when things aren't right between us, we both struggle with daily life.

Thanks for all the positive thoughts :)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007, 7:53 AM

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Im down today too.....heres a virtual hug for all who need it.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007, 12:43 PM

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