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What effect does dieting have on your body?

I'm eating healthier, but feel a little weaker. What are some foods that boost your energy when losing weight?

Mon. Feb 26, 10:47am

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Two energy pitfalls...

1) Not eating regularly -- make sure you have at least your three squares, and that breakfast is substantial because it really does set you up for success or failure that day.

2) Not eating enough -- I have 30 lbs left to lose and I feel lethargic if I eat less than 1300 calories a day. I hate how Weight Watchers gives such low calorie guidelines (for me it would be 1250/day), and I like how the Self magazine Challenge promotes 1600/day because it's sustainable and satisfying and still produces weight loss.

If the above do not describe your behavior or you are unwilling to make such changes, there's always caffeine and energy supplements from the vitamin store. I've never found energy bars or drinks particularly tasty or invigorating, but maybe others have.

Monday, February 26, 2007, 10:59 AM

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Make sure you're getting enough protein and iron. I find myself feeling pretty weak these days too.
I'm adding in peanut butter, hummus and cottage cheese into my diet for snacks. I know my hard-worked muscles must be craving the fuel!!

Monday, February 26, 2007, 11:18 AM

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Saturday, July 17, 2021, 12:55 AM

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