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Anyone out there trying to work out/stay healthy while on chemo?

I am about to start chemotherapy for cervical cancer. I'm 30, non-drinker, non-smoker, very fit and lean, would like to try to stay moderately active and avoid the cancer first, but also9 the dreaded chemo-bloat. Can anyone share advice or stories????

Thu. Feb 22, 1:00am

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Sorry I don't have advice for you but you should talk to your doctors, they can suggest something. I hope the chemo doesn't take to much out of you.

Thursday, February 22, 2007, 1:40 AM

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Sorry I don't have advice for you but you should talk to your doctors, they can suggest something. I hope the chemo doesn't take to much out of you.

Thursday, February 22, 2007, 1:40 AM

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Sorry I don't have advice for you but you should talk to your doctors, they can suggest something. I hope the chemo doesn't take to much out of you.

Thursday, February 22, 2007, 1:40 AM

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My mother had colon cancer a few years back and went through pretty intensive chemo. It took alot out of her and she was very achey and lost her appetite. She spent most of her time during chemo resting, reading and taking warm baths. You're body will be going through alot, so dont put any more stress on it then is necessary. If fitness is very important to you then I would suggest long walks, or swimming...which are both great for you but less intense. My mother lost 30 pounds from the chemo, so from my observations it seems more like it causes weight loss than gain. Yoga is a great option also, since it relaxes your mind and body.
Speak with your doctors, and maybe consider having a consultation with a trainer who specializes in recovery and rehibilitation exercise ( they're out there! ) good luck:)

Thursday, February 22, 2007, 8:38 PM

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My mother had colon cancer a few years back and went through pretty intensive chemo. It took alot out of her and she was very achey and lost her appetite. She spent most of her time during chemo resting, reading and taking warm baths. You're body will be going through alot, so dont put any more stress on it then is necessary. If fitness is very important to you then I would suggest long walks, or swimming...which are both great for you but less intense. My mother lost 30 pounds from the chemo, so from my observations it seems more like it causes weight loss than gain. Yoga is a great option also, since it relaxes your mind and body.
Speak with your doctors, and maybe consider having a consultation with a trainer who specializes in recovery and rehibilitation exercise ( they're out there! ) good luck:)

Thursday, February 22, 2007, 8:38 PM

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My mother had colon cancer a few years back and went through pretty intensive chemo. It took alot out of her and she was very achey and lost her appetite. She spent most of her time during chemo resting, reading and taking warm baths. You're body will be going through alot, so dont put any more stress on it then is necessary. If fitness is very important to you then I would suggest long walks, or swimming...which are both great for you but less intense. My mother lost 30 pounds from the chemo, so from my observations it seems more like it causes weight loss than gain. Yoga is a great option also, since it relaxes your mind and body.
Speak with your doctors, and maybe consider having a consultation with a trainer who specializes in recovery and rehibilitation exercise ( they're out there! ) good luck:)

Thursday, February 22, 2007, 8:38 PM

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chemo bloat

've just been through my 3rd cycle of chemo for breast cancer. I didn't experience chemo bloat until the past week, and yes, I am definitely bummed out about it. The good news is that I don't feel very run down from chemo, in fact, I think I may have more energy than I did when I had cancer! I've been doing pilates with my physical therapist and have been to the gym once, although I plan on going daily from now on since the bloating has begun.

But don't worry about it too much, you'll be fine, the weight gain is manageable, and I've heard that it goes away immediately when chemo is over!! YAY

Monday, August 10, 2009, 10:39 PM

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chemo bloat

've just been through my 3rd cycle of chemo for breast cancer. I didn't experience chemo bloat until the past week, and yes, I am definitely bummed out about it. The good news is that I don't feel very run down from chemo, in fact, I think I may have more energy than I did when I had cancer! I've been doing pilates with my physical therapist and have been to the gym once, although I plan on going daily from now on since the bloating has begun.

But don't worry about it too much, you'll be fine, the weight gain is manageable, and I've heard that it goes away immediately when chemo is over!! YAY

Monday, August 10, 2009, 10:39 PM

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chemo bloat

've just been through my 3rd cycle of chemo for breast cancer. I didn't experience chemo bloat until the past week, and yes, I am definitely bummed out about it. The good news is that I don't feel very run down from chemo, in fact, I think I may have more energy than I did when I had cancer! I've been doing pilates with my physical therapist and have been to the gym once, although I plan on going daily from now on since the bloating has begun.

But don't worry about it too much, you'll be fine, the weight gain is manageable, and I've heard that it goes away immediately when chemo is over!! YAY

Monday, August 10, 2009, 10:39 PM

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A chemotherapy tech told me the patients who exercised did much better with chemo than the ones who didn't!

Go for it! And good luck to you!

Monday, August 24, 2009, 5:56 PM

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A chemotherapy tech told me the patients who exercised did much better with chemo than the ones who didn't!

Go for it! And good luck to you!

Monday, August 24, 2009, 5:56 PM

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A chemotherapy tech told me the patients who exercised did much better with chemo than the ones who didn't!

Go for it! And good luck to you!

Monday, August 24, 2009, 5:56 PM

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