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Group Challenge!

I am very new Peertrainer and have just started a group today called Clever Name. As you can tell I was lacking in the thinking up a name category, he he. So far I am the only group member, however I am hoping someone will join me by the end of the week. Once I have someone else in my group I am hoping that there will be another group out there that maybe would be up for a little bit of a challenge. Nothing serious, just some healthy competition to keep us all motivated. I am joining WW this week, so preferably the challenging group would also be following the WW plan. Perhaps it could be based on the total loss of each group over the course of a month or something. I am open to suggestions and ideas so if anyone else would be interested in this or has any input please let me know!

Many Thanks.

Sun. Feb 18, 8:37pm

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It might be fun to get a group not in weight watchers to see which is the better program or if you even need a program. I am always up for some friendly competition :)

Monday, February 19, 2007, 8:05 AM

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Looked for "clever name" but couldn't find the group - what's the group name? I'll join!

Monday, February 19, 2007, 11:16 AM

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I don't follow Weight Watchers, but best of luck to you

Monday, February 19, 2007, 11:24 AM

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Yeah for some reason after I added the group I was having a hard time finding it as well. The name is Clever Name, but it actually filled up over night. I just thought it maybe would be fun to have a challenge with another group. A few of my group members are in the same boat as me, just kinda trying to get started or get back on track, so maybe once we are organized a bit we could have a bit of fun with a challenge! I will have to check with my group of course and see if they are game before I could commit to anything.

If they are not interested perhaps there would be some interested people and if there is a few we could maybe get together and split into two groups for the challenge purpose because I would not feel right trying to convince my group if they aren't really interested. I can have two groups, my regular one and my group that is up for a challenge!

Monday, February 19, 2007, 12:25 PM

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if you create another one, I'll join!

Monday, February 19, 2007, 12:27 PM

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I think this is a wonderful idea. I'm not in weight watchers but I would love to compete against a group of people on this way. The problem is finding 3 other people to be in my group who will be just as dedicated.

Monday, February 19, 2007, 9:00 PM

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I've been in a huge slump recently and can't seem to find the motivation to do anything right! I've stopped exercising, I'm not eating properly, I rarely drink my water ... I would be so willing to give this group challenge a shot ... maybe it's exactly what I'd need to get myself in the groove again?!??!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007, 8:45 AM

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Now the question is, how do we separate into 2 groups that will challenge each other... any ideas? Maybe we could have a non-weight watchers group go up against the weight watchers group that the OP started.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007, 12:00 PM

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