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hot chocolate
Anyone know of a low fat/calorie hot chocolate that actually tastes good? I love hot chocolate around this time of year but don't want to destroy my diet.
Thu. Oct 27, 4:24pm
it's in a blue maybe? they have a diet one...some of the sugar free aren't bad either...i'll post when i go to the store and know the exact brand! sorry!
Thursday, October 27, 2005, 4:52 PM
I think the light blue box is Swiss Miss.
Thursday, October 27, 2005, 4:53 PM
I get the full fat. If I'm going to indulge in something as heavenly as hot chocolate, I want to real thing. Plus, it's satisfies my craving and I'm likely to stop at the one cup, instead of adding in a few biscuits.
Thursday, October 27, 2005, 5:00 PM
Make it from scratch
I use Hershey's cocoa powder (love the Special Dark version, 20 cals/Tbsp), Splenda, and skim milk...not sure if a 100-calorie cup of hot chocolate counts as low-cal, but my eating plan involves drinking milk, so it really only feels like an extra 20 calories above what I'd be consuming anyway.
Thursday, October 27, 2005, 5:57 PM
Diet Swiss Miss
Diet Swiss Miss with Calcium rocks! It's only 25 calories per cup too - the "light" is 50 or 60, I think. I have to make it in a smaller cup for it to be chocolate-y enough for me, but, I have to do that even with the full-fat stuff when it comes in the packets...
It's a blue box with a pink label. It's sweetened with Splenda, not NutraSweet, and has 4g of carbs (1g fiber) and 2g of protein per serving.
Friday, October 28, 2005, 12:15 PM
Ooh that's a great idea on the Special Dark - I use Ghirardelli right now (80 cal/serving for the mix). I love Dark Chocolate and I try to make sure I get all my servings of dairy (low-fat).
Friday, October 28, 2005, 2:41 PM
I also use diet swiss miss but I add a little cocoa powder and splenda, because I don't think it tastes anything like real hot chocolate and real cocoa doesn't add but a smidgen of calories and splenda sweetens it up some more. It will be darker then normal hot coco.
Friday, October 28, 2005, 4:16 PM
Yes I like swiss miss. But can somebody clear something up with me... because the label (here in Australia anyway) is confusing. I mix 1 heaped teaspoon in 250 mL of water. How many calories are there? Is that 20 or a third of 20?
Very confused.
Friday, October 28, 2005, 4:52 PM
From scratch
I make mine from scratch too with the Hershey's cocoa, splenda, and skim milk! It's the best!
Friday, October 28, 2005, 5:47 PM
Someone just posted this in another post but thought it would be good to know here as well.
Warm up with hot cocoa to help your brain as well as your frostbitten fingers. Chang Young Lee, professor of food chemistry at Cornell University, found that the antioxidant content of two tablespoons of pure cocoa powder is “almost two times stronger than red wine, two to three times stronger than green tea and four to five times stronger than that of black tea.” The antioxidants in hot cocoa protect brain cells from oxidative stress that can lead to Alzheimer’s and other disorders.
Sunday, October 30, 2005, 8:23 AM
Well this is good news because I had a huge Ghiradelli hot cocoa last night with full fat milk. It was soo good. My only real bad this weekend, but its great to know that its good for me!!!
Monday, October 31, 2005, 9:16 AM
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