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Hot water w/ lemon to flush out sodium

A friend told me that a good way to get excess sodium out, if you just ate something salty, is to mix a cup of hot water with lemon juice. I read about this on a bodybuilding site and I guess it is just a diuretic.
I really love organic Ramen noodles (at health food stores) but they have lots of sodium so I always follow w/ the hot water. It really works. I haven't put on weight the day after like I usually would - even if I ate the noodles in the evening.
anyone heard about this?

Thu. Feb 15, 1:35pm

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Nope, haven't heard about this effect. I've only heard from various sources that hot water with lemon first thing in the morning is really good for your intestines/colon, but that's about it. Not saying your wrong (in fact, I'd love to discover that you're right!)...I'm just surprised that I haven't heard it before as an argument for drinking hot water with lemon.

Thursday, February 15, 2007, 1:44 PM

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Do you think drinking hot tea with lemon has the same effect? I may like that a bit more than hot water alone.

Thursday, February 15, 2007, 6:23 PM

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Yeah maybe that would work.

Thursday, February 15, 2007, 9:07 PM

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I wouldn't say that black tea would have the same effect due to the caffeine. Perhaps a light herbal one. Interestingly, I've been living in Europe for a while, and after a big restaurant meal everyone orders a hot tea with lemon. I thought it was just a cultural thing, but perhaps they're onto something and I just didn't think of it in that way.

Friday, February 16, 2007, 5:16 AM

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Interesting. I drink hot water with lemon and honey when I'm sick. Sometimes, I'll have at least 6 glasses in a day. I feel almost "cured" when I drink it. I wonder if it's flushing out the toxins as well.


Friday, February 16, 2007, 9:33 AM

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