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when to take a break
Hi All, I have been working out every day of the week. My workout consists of about 30 minutes of cardio (usually elliptical) and then focused weight lifting. I will do back/chest one day, then legs, then bi/tri/shoulders, then legs again, and back/chest, then legs, and so on. My question is, is it ok to workout everyday or should you be taking at least one day off a week? Also, when do you begin to see results if you are working out that consistently?
Thu. Feb 15, 1:32pm
probably a professional trainer would know the answer to this but I stop when my body tells me to. I work out Monday through Friday and by saturday I can't bring myself to go to the gym again.
Thursday, February 15, 2007, 1:46 PM
Been there, done that. I was taking off one or two days a month for a while, and I only took them off because my body felt so incredibly sore and beaten that it would get to the point where turning my head required too much effort. Another thing - if you're trying to lose weight, I've found that most drops on the scale happen after taking a day off, kind of like giving your body a chance to "catch up" on all the good work you've been doing. Also, I've determined that the Law of Diminishing Returns kicks in if I workout more than 3 consecutive days -- in other words, I take a day off every 4th day for the best results.
Thursday, February 15, 2007, 1:54 PM
Your body gets 'used to' the same exercises day after day, so taking a break periodically helps keep it effective. I have a routine very similar to yours except I take weekends off and get outside and mix it up (hiking, skiing, snowshoing, walking along the lake or on hills, biking, etc..). It doesn't feel like 'working out', but uses different muscles and makes me glad I work out so I am in good enough shape to do my beloved weekend activities at the level I'd like - I just hate huffing and puffing all the way up a gorgeous mountain trail! If I'm really sore, I may take a day off, but make sure you still stretch and do something gentle to keep from getting stiff.
Thursday, February 15, 2007, 5:08 PM
Your body needs to recover. So even though it feels like you're slacking off, take a day off and vary the intensity of your cardio. You'll reduce the effectiveness of your workouts if you push through on an overly tired body. My trainer confirmed this. :) Happy exercise.
Thursday, February 15, 2007, 5:32 PM
You should take off at least one day/wk to let your body recooperate. Otherwise you are actually doing detrement. Your muscles need to repair the tiny tears made while stength training.
Thursday, February 15, 2007, 7:22 PM
Please rest
I hope I'm not to late to answer this thread. The best way to tell if your over training is by watching your heart. Check your resting heart rate, that is your heart rate first thing in the morning, the bast way to do this is with a heart rate monitor. If your resting heart rate goes to more then 10 BPM above your normal resting HR then it;'s time to rest.
The other thing to remember is that your do not build muscle or aerobic capacity during a workout. All working out does is burn energy and calories and tear down muscle fibers. It si in the resting phase that the muscles repair and get stronger and bigger, leaner, etc. If you consistently work out 7 days a week you will wend up very fatigued and weaker then when you started. Rest is extremely important.
Friday, February 16, 2007, 2:49 PM
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