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OT-can I get a job doing this?

Completely off topic question, but I'm not sure which route to go with this-or who to ask. I'm really good at researching things on the internet, (often finding things for other people because they have trouble themselves) and thoroughly enjoy doing it. Is this something I could do for a living? Are there people who do differnt types of internet research for work? And if so, what credentials do I need? How does one get started? TIA.

Tue. Feb 13, 12:21am

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check out really good website for people trying to figure out how to make a living from their passion. Go to the message board section , on the obstacles and wishes section people post their dreams and other people help you brainstorm ideas on how to start taking steps to making them a reality. Good luck ! I truly believe anyone can make a living from anything if it's your passion :)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007, 10:03 AM

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yes, you could get a job doing this. Advertising agencies, marketing agencies, consumer products companies all depend on this skill. No credentials needed if you start on the ground floor, and don't listen to anyone who says you need a graduate degree. Look on craigslist for jobs in this area.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007, 10:13 AM

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Thanks! Those are both great suggestions! I will look into it!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007, 2:08 PM

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If you are well versed in computers and the Internet then you have a great chance to find a remote job for yourself. This became a trend after the start of quarantine and I do not think that the state of affairs will change in the next couple of years. You can post your online portfolio here - Personally, I like the remote work schedule much more than the daily trips to the office.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020, 11:11 PM

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I think you have all the necessary skills to find a suitable and highly paid job. The main thing is to look through the vacancies and choose the option that you like. But a well-prepared resume will be a big plus. I recently did this too, and thanks to this source, I chose a service that helped with my resume That is why I successfully stood out among the other candidates and got the desired position.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 2:54 AM

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